Chapter 4: Interrogation

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'Now hang on you two.' Gus stopped us holding a small notebook and pen in his hands. 'I'd just like to know what you love birds want to eat, before it's impossible to even communicate with either of you. You know what I'm saying son?' Gus winked, flashing us a smirk. Amelia almost choked on the water she had in her mouth, spraying it straight onto the table with a snort.

I burrowed my head into my hands, letting out a long groan. Could this day actually get any worse?

Amelia quickly grabbed every serviette on the small table, scrambling to every inch of it to clean up the pure embarrassment.

'Actually Gus...' She said in a quiet but stern voice, trying to dry the water that soaked the front of her shirt. He leaned in as if finding out gossip as a middle aged mother. 'I've... already got a partner.'

Both Gus and I dropped our jaws in sync. As if it had been rehearsed various times over and over again. I couldn't believe it! She possibly couldn't have a partner.

Gus looked to me, slowly shaking his head. 'Better luck next time boy, you missed a good one.' Awkwardly turning away, I went back to sipping my triple strength coffee. This day actually could get worse.

'Anyway...' Amelia resumed, breaking the painful silence. 'I would love that amazing roast I smell.' She looked to Gus with a smile, as he scribbled down her order. Once finished he turned to me expectantly. 'Ah, the same please.' Without saying a word, he scribbled it down as well and rushed away.

Once Gus had gone, I had to know if it was true. Amelia fiddled with her fingers before I looked to her. 'Do you really have a partner, or is it another one of your silly lies? Quickly her eyebrows furrowed together.

'Well yes! Why would I lie about that?' My stomach twisted into thousands of knots. As if trying to hide it, she chewed on her bottom lip.

'Sorry if I offended you. I only wanted to see if it was the truth.' Her forehead relaxed, perfectly smoothing the skin again.

'Ah sure... But I'm the one to interrogate their opposite, not the other way around. So without further distractions, let's start.' It was clear she was trying to change the subject. She must have planned this confrontation ages ago. Only because she pulled out a pale blue notebook, and a gold pen, ready to write my every word.

'So Mr Taylor.'

'Please call me Tai.' I corrected.

'Ok then Tai... lets start off easy. When did you start the company?'

'Well my father started it about fifteen years ago. Then he passed it down to me.'

'When was it passed down to you?' She questioned.

'Three years ago, to this day in fact.' She scribbled it down. Wow... I hadn't realised it was three years exact today. Would father be proud of me? The thought sent shivers crawling down my spine.

'Ok, so what was your fathers intentions and work for the business?' She stared at me intently, her hazel eyes pounding on me with every second.

'Well our intentions for the company are the same. We strive on giving our customers the best they can out of their loan.' She pursed her lips tight, and knotted her eyebrows.

'Tai don't give me the crap. Ok, so that was your fathers intentions, but I definitely know that isn't yours. Like I said I want the REAL answers, not some fake ones you make up. You promised me.'

I clenched my fists, the blood draining away from each knuckle, only leaving behind splotchy white patches. I swallowed down my pride. There was no way I was telling anyone the truth... I have to lie.

'I apologise. This intention is true, however you are right. Not only do we give them their loans, but we charge them an extra... say ten thousand dollars. Only due to insurance.' I knew that this wasn't the truth. It was obvious that she knew I had slithered in another lie as well.

Her face crumpled together, her body insanely tense, she looked as if she was boiling! Her small frame slowly stood up. I had pushed her last button.

She opened her mouth, ready to rage. But then instead of screaming at me, with power and justice, her eyes turned cold. Her body stiffened not from anger, but fear.

'Amelia, look I'm sorry. Please understand.' I grabbed her hand, praying she would say something. Instead, the only response I got was one of a living corpse.

My mind froze, I didn't know what the hell was happening. But the least I could do was get help. Immediately I stood from my chair, I shook Amelia almost violently, but still no response. Everything happened in a matter of seconds, almost to fast.

I turned from the booth, to see Gus walk out with two plates of food in his hand. His stared down at the steaming meat. I looked back to Amelia, still confused by her actions.

Suddenly a loud crash sliced the air. My heart pounded in my chest, as I saw the bits of glass and meat, shattered all over the floor. Gus stared out the windows, almost identical expressions to Amelias.

My world slowed. Men covered in black head to toe, shattered through the glass. At that moment I snapped back to reality. Amelia still hadn't moved, so I sprinted over to her. I was doing the only right thing.

'COME ON LETS GO!' I urgently screamed to her. Silent tears streamed down her now wet cheeks. Her numb body crumpled into my arms. I carried her bridal style. My arms stung, but soon the adrenaline kicked in. It burned deep in my veins pushing me towards the back of the diner.

I glanced to Gus who had pulled out a rifle now shooting at the incoming intruders.

What the hell was going on!? Where did he get that rifle!? And why was Amelia acting like this?!

The men in black crashed through the diner. Violently ransacking the place, they grabbed the few customers. Some pushing them into large black vans, waiting out the front.

I crouched down with Amelia, crawling along the edge of counter, protected slightly by the top. I could hear terrified screams and more crashing and banging. I needed to help Gus but I also knew I had to get Amelia to safety.

I hurried faster and faster, until I reached the store room. But it still wasn't safe. I glanced desperately around the room searching for a place to hide her. There was a large vent in the side of the wall, right next to the ovens. I slid off the cover, leaving a wide gap in the wall.

'Get in.' I gestured to the vent. She didn't move. 'Get In!' I said louder, anger and panic laced my voice. She jumped out of her trance, goosebumps pricking her skin.  She carefully crawled into the vent, wary of her every movement as it would make a sound. I put a finger to my lips, hushing her  tears. I pushed back on the vent cover, and looked through the thin slits.

'I'm sorry.' I whispered. My gut clenched, bile filled my throat. The urge to vomit, threatening to tip over any second.

I shut the store room door behind me after switching off the light. I followed the path I came, crawling along the floor past the register. My suit was in shreds. Occasionally tearing and getting snagged on things close by.

I peered around the corner. Only to be faced with a all to familiar scene.

'Gus....' I silently winced.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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