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This first letter is a suicide note from a depressed girl. This note is very personal to me because it was my own. Depression is a very serious thing and should not be taken lightly. I fought through it but many people don't, if you ever need anyone, I'm here, I care.

Dear whoever cares,
I wrote this to say goodbye, not that you'll miss me. I always thought I could be something but here I am in tears, about to end my life. I wish I could be honest and say it was no ones fault but my own, but it's not just my fault. Every thing I do, every time I try to talk to someone I get turned away. Even when I find someone I trust, they leave me feeling more worthless. I'm completely and totally alone. Mom, I know you never wanted me but that's ok, because now you don't have me. Now is the time to act like you all cared and cry right? Well don't, I don't want any faking. Have a funeral, burn me to ashes, I don't care just don't act like I meant something to anyone. I didn't, I never did. Goodbye I guess, I did love you but I can't do it anymore.

Letters from the Mentally illWhere stories live. Discover now