☁️ Messy Confessions And Hugs ☁️

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Katsuki had never been much of a hugger. Or toucher, as a matter of fact. Well, that's a lie. He was for a short while with his parents, in his younger years. But the older he grew, the more distanced he became with physical touch.

The only time he was okay with anyone touching him was in combat. Getting hit, punched, kicked, or harmed by a quirk. It gave him a thrill that probably wasn't healthy, but whatever. It's not like he was a masochist, it just fueled him. Other than that, however? Touches were foreign to him. High fives, fist bumps, hand shakes, shoulder bumping, even shoulder poking. And, well, hugs.

Or... at least they were until Kirishima came into his life.

The first time the redhead had actually really touched him was engraved into his head. To anyone else it would've been a simple thing, but not to Katsuki. Then again, when was anything in his life ever simple?

They were all hanging out. And by they, that meant Katsuki, Kirishima, Senki, Sero and Mina. And by hanging out, that meant everyone except Katsuki was complaining about how screwed they were for the upcoming test on how to avoid casualties and what to do in the case of a civilian getting injured while Katsuki leaned against the wall not paying attention.

Until Kirishima mentioned his name, that is.

"So is everyone in agreement we're all idiots? Well, except Bakugou! He's at the top of our class, isn't that right?" Kirishima beamed, sending a snarky smile towards the vexed blond.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes in his direction. "Hah? Of course I am, I said I was going to top everyone here and I meant it. That goes for grades as well, moron."

Kaminari burst out laughing, making some dirty joke about the unintentional innuendo behind that sentence, sending Katsuki into a yelling fury.

And then it happened. Kirishima put his hand on his shoulder gently. "Hey, you okay? I don't think he meant any harm, but... you good bro?"

And it should've been such a simple thing. A casual touch meant to get his attention. Such a simple goddamn gesture, yet Katsuki had to complicate it.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He yelled, turning around abruptly after jolting as if he'd been electrocuted, harshly smacking Kirishima's hand away from him. Everyone's eyes had simultaneously widened, including his own. He didn't even expect his own reaction to that. It was like it just forced its way up his throat without any thought.

And he expected Kirishima to do a lot of things. Cry, run away, cuss him out for being an asshole, yell at him for being a jerk when he was only trying to help.

What he didn't expect was for Kirishima to smile softly and shrug it off. "Sure thing. Not everyone is touchy feely like me, haha. Shouldn't be surprised you'd react at me like that," he laughed, seeming unfazed.

And, well, that was that. Kaminari said something along the lines of "Yeah man! I totally get it, you're more of a bottom! No shame in that!"

And, like a normal human being would react, Katsuki literally exploded in anger. And maybe his ears were a little red, but that wasn't important.

'Sure thing.' That's what Kirishima said. Naturally, Katsuki would think that meant he wouldn't touch him anymore. But boy was he wrong. After spars and quirk training, he would always ask Katsuki to team up with him with the casual addition of a shoulder bump. And when they did well, he'd sling his arm around Katsuki's shoulders. He even managed to somehow trick Katsuki into high fiving and fist bumping him once or twice.

'Put your hand up and I'll show you a cool way to enhance your quirk and make you inevitably stronger' my fucking ass.

After that came the hugs. The goddamn hugs that never seemed to lack energy, warmth and genuine affection behind them. Of course Katsuki yelled at him and violently shoved him away. And obviously he blew his face off the first few times.

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