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    I went to the feild and i sat down. It's only a matter of time before he wakes up and looks for me. This will probably be the first place he looks. I know i have to leave before he gets here but i don't know where to go. My mother would know what to do. If only i didn't make her leave that house she would still be here. If only I hadn't stayed the night in the field, she wouldn't have had twice the beating and i wouldn't have broken my promise.If only those guys didn't have their forced way with me, I wouldn't have left the house and I wouldn't be so hesitant in everything i do and i wouldn't have to be sitting in this feild alone unsure of what to do. If only this world was a little kinder to me. If only my father wasn't an abusive alchoholic. If only-

"Malaya?! Where are you? I know you're here!" 

   I knew he would find me soon enough so i did the only thing I could do. I got up and ran further and further from the voice. I ran as fast as my legs can take me and I didn't look back. After i couldn't run anymore and I realized i was in the woods. I decided to explore a bit and after walking a couple of hours, I came across an abandoned house. I walked in and it had an eerie feel to it. As soon as i walked through the door I was met by a small but cozy living room. A glass of water on the coffee table half empty, a pair of reading glasses on top of a book open and faced down. On the couch was a crumpled up blanket as if it had been thrown on their in the efforts of someone getting up and ridding of it. On the arm of a couch was a television remote. Burnt candles on the television stand along with pictures of the people who i assumed used to live here. One picture was a wedding picture and the couple was smiling at each other with love in their eyes. I smiled at how happy they looked and to the right of that picture was a little girl and boy. The boy looked about 6 and the girl looked around 3. To the right of that picture ws a family picture. The couple was older as were the children who were now teenagers and the couple well into their forties but now their was a baby in the mothers arm. The couple still smiling at each other with the same love as in the wedding picture while the baby was pulling on the teenage girls hair. The teenage boy was laughing at the teenage girl who was desperatley trying to pry her hair from the babys hand. I giggled and smiled at the perfectly unperfect picture. You could tell that this family was close and happy just by looking at this picture. I left the living room into a small cozy kitchen. The kitchen had four seats and a highchair. The highchair was still messy with unknown foods smeared across it. One of the four chairs was seated facing the highchair and i can just picture the smiling mother feeding her child. Thier was a purse on the kitchen counter and keys next to them.

   I went through the hallway which was decorated with more pictures. At the end of the hallway was a staircase and i went upstairs and saw three bedrooms. A master bedroom with a crib inside it and I knew it was the parents and their baby. I walked in and saw a neatly made bed. On one side of the bed was men slippers and the other side was women slippers. On the womens side was a closed book called "The Silent Girl" by Tess Gerritesen but one of the pages was dog eared. I left thier room and across the hall was a door that was slightly open and I walked in. It was obviously a girls room. The walls were painted a turqouise color with painted trees on it. I saw in the corner was an unfinished bird and in front of the wall was a pallette and a brush on a stool. The bed, unllike the married couples, was unmade. There was a sketch book with a pencil next to it. The hamper in the corner was over stuffed with clothes. Her dressers still open and on the wall over the dresser was a mirror. On one of the walls was a post- board that had a lot of pictures. Some with her friends, with her family, some with her boyfriend I assume, and some of her in different places she's been. I smiled and left her room moving to the boys room and suprisingly it was cleaner than the girls apart from the unmade bed similar to the girls. I went back down stairs and sat on the couch staring at the coffee table with the water and glasses. It's so weird, it's like these people were just living their lives like they do everyday and then one day they were gone without planning to be. It was weird adn confusing that they just left everything behind. 

   I went back to the kitchen and picked up the purse searching through it. Inside was a wallet that had a fair amount of money and some credit cards. There was also make-up, mini lotion, a grocery list, some school pictures of her kids, and a mirror. I put the things back in the purse and I sat at the table. This place is so cozy and it's abanded. Nobody would look for me here. I decided to stay and for the first time, I can actually call a place my home. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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