The Home

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Standing before the front gates, Gwen felt her heartbeat quicken. Fifteen and at an orphanage, the last thing she ever wanted. So when the gates creaked open, she was hesitant to take the first steps to her new home. But she balled up her confidence, listening to a suitcase full of her only possessions wheel over the cracks behind her.

The actual home here, was huge. Four, maybe five stories. Just the atmosphere of it sent chills down her spine. It was like an abandoned hospital, and while it had a beautiful Victorian structure and design, it also had the creepy Victorian structure and design. Walking up the front steps, she found that the operator had the same look to her.

"Welcome Gwendolyn." The woman was middle aged, her chocolate brown hair pulled up into a small braided bun, her hazel eyes shimmering from under full lashes. Her smile was soft, but wrinkled her cheeks. She matched the home, looking like she was from the same era. Gwen didn't have a clue where she would find the dress, but she assumed she made it herself. "I'm Ms. Riffet."

"Hi." Gwen looked up as the woman wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her inside. It was quiet, almost empty. Almost.

Watching from the railing above was a little girl, her dark brown hair in two French braids down her head, little orange ribbons tying them off contrasting with her bright blue eyes. She was wearing a little grey dress, ruffles fading down from her hips to her knees. She was an adorable child, but when Gwen smiled at her she got up from her kneeling position and ran quietly up the stairs.

"Sorry about her, Delilah isn't much of a people person." Ms. Riffet chuckled, bringing her to a set of double doors. "This is the dining hall, Jack is the cook. He's friendly, and meals will be served every day."

"Its huge." Gwen peered through the windows, seeing a large expanse to the kitchen window. "How many people live here?"

"I would say sadly, but its good that there aren't as many orphans these days. There's about thirteen children here, fourteen with you."

Gwen nodded as they walked up the staircase, finding the first floor landing. Two stair cases split off at either side, and they took the left up to a long hallway. At the end was a large oak door, that opened to reveal a room full of beds.

"This is the girls room, boys room is at the same place in the other hall. I'll leave you to find a bed, just look for one that doesn't have stuffed animals on it." She smiled. "There aren't really girls your age here, but Serah is fourteen, she acts more mature than she is. I have a feeling you two will get along well."

"Where are the other kids?"

"Either wandering the halls or playing in the garden, there's a playground out back right by it. It's hard to miss."

At that, she turned and left. Gwen took a deep breath, looking at all the beds. She found one in the back, with no obvious occupants around it. The sheets were black, soft and comfortable. It reminded her of the set she used to have back home, and made the decision it was her bed. She took a seat, the springs creaking below her as she lifted her bag onto the bed and unzipped it. Inside were her clothes, a mix of black and random colors. It was about as girly as one could get, more skirts and ribbons than jeans, but there was a good mix of it. Most people placed her into the goth category, leaving her with no friends to say goodbye to, but she didn't mind that. People were cruel, so she didn't need them to keep her company. Gwen found her friends in animals. But thinking about it, that was also a bad thing that her parents reprimanded her for often. They weren't really an animal family.

She pulled out a small frame, the last picture she'd taken with her family. They were out exploring the mountains with some family friends Gwen didn't really know, but they took the opportunity to make some memories. There was her dad, cinnamon hair with dark brown eyes and a warm grin, an arm around her mother. She had curly blond hair, green eyes, and a soft pink smile. She had her arms wrapped around her daughter, straight blond hair that reached her naval, crimson red streaks, and dark brown eyes that looked almost black. That was one thing that had always scared people away, her eyes. Everyone took one look and looked away. But she set the picture and frame on a small nightstand, facing it towards her pillow. Her parents loved her all the same.


Gwen looked towards the door, her breath coming rapidly. Someone was there, she was sure of it. It was like a child's voice, but older. When she didn't see anything though, she thought she was letting her nerves get the best of her, and went back to putting her clothes into the nightstands drawers. She didnt have much of it, and was throwing the empty suitcase under her bed when she felt a hand tug on her hair.


She whipped around, terrified. Once again, no one was there and she was getting spooked pretty bad. It looked haunted from the outside, but she didn't think it actually was.

Taking that offer up, she ran out the room and down the empty steps, deciding she might want some live company at the moment.

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