Part 13

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Steve had dreams about Natasha last night... again. This time he woke up angry. Those dreams... they were telling him what he should feel about her, but he didn't and that made him really angry. He knew what he felt for her, it wasn't love, he didn't like when those dreams confused him. That inner voice that was telling him to love her, couldn't stop shouting. Steve started thinking that the dreams are really happening or that they happened. After all they might have happened, but not with Natasha. His brain was playing with him really bad. He decided to tell Natasha although he was scared.

Nat was just finished making pasta for dinner when Steve came downstairs.

Steve's pov.

S: Hey Nat... I need to tell you something.

N: Yeah, sure.

Natasha didn't pay much attention to him since he didn't sound really serious. Meanwhile Steve sat on the sofa and started acting strange but he thought he looked normal.

S: There is a thing...It has been bothering me for a while and everytime... everytime I want to tell you I'm hesitating beacuse it can ruin our friendship.

Natasha licked her thumb with spaghetti sauce on it and just figured out that Steve has a problem so she sat next to him and rubbed his back in comfort.

N: You hesitate? Why are you hesitating? Please, if I can help you I need to know.

S: Nat I keep having these dreams about you...about us.

Steve took a deep breath and covered his face in shame.

N: What were you dreaming about us?

She looked at him surprised, but she wasn't uncomfortable. She didn't understand why was he.

S: You see...The dreams...seemed pretty real sometimes. I'm starting to confuse the dreams from my reality.

N: Steve? What is it?

S: It was you and me. We were too close... we were lovers.

Natasha was completely shocked. Now she realised it... Steve got that part of his memories back.

N: Steve... You...

S: Once... I dreamt about one fight between us. You said "I lost my best friend for a desire." Then you apologized and left.

N: Why would I say that? She asked in agony.

S: Beacuse... we spent a night together.

N: You... uhh...remember that night?

S: I...

Steve was so embarrassed to confirm it out loud because that night couldn't live his thoughts so he just nodded.

As this conversation was happening it was getting harder for Natasha to lie to him. She was going to tell him, she couldn't hide it anymore.

N: Did anything happen after that?

Natasha controlled her emotions so hard. She was already forming tears. Hiding them was helpless.

S: Yeah...You locked yourself into one room..and didn't want to come out. I can't recall any further. But at the end you come out, hugged me and said
"You'll have to excuse me one ever loved me before."

N: Anything else? She barely asked.

S: Yeah... but I think I told you enough.

Natasha took deep breath and nodded trying not to make it even more uneasy to both of them.

S: Of course that didn't happen. What was I thinking? I must have ruined our...

N: Steve I have to tell you something too.

She cut in as a tear left her eye.

S: Sure, I'm sorry I just thought that those might be somehow conected to my past and...

N: Steve. Those are not your dreams... not dreams.

Natasha started shaking her head negatively, whipping her tears and biting her lip.

S: Nat? Are you okay?

N: Those are your memories of us... yes... we were in love.

Steve was dumbstruck... he looked in her eyes as she walked away from him and leaned on the window glass.

N: Yes, Steve. We were. I loved you and you loved me. We were in love!

He didn't speak a word. Natasha sit on one chair with her head down and waited for Steve's reaction.

S: For how long?

He looked confused and not really pleased with what he was about to find out.

N: A few months... the time we were in London.
Natasha finally stopped her tears, but didn't had the courage to look him in the eyes.

S: Nat? Why didn't you told me?

N: I was afraid that you won't believe me, that you won't accept me... or our child. I wasn't ready to face realty. I loved you... And I lost you. I was left alone with your baby inside me. Can't you understand how hard was for me to live after that?! Steve? Say something!

Now Steve was shocked so much that he lost his breath. He forgot about everything else. The fact that Rose was his daughter roamed in his brain. It was unstoppable.

All that he cared about right now was his daughter that he didn't knew existed.

S: Rose is my daughter?

N: I promise you that. You do believe me... right?

Now Natasha get up and went to Steve.

S: I do.

N: Explains why she has a strawberry blonde hair, and your eyes... she resembles you so much.

S: Nat, thank you for giving me a daughter.

Natasha smiled as Steve get up and was standing opposite her.

S: Why? Why are you telling me this now?

N: Are you mad at me?

S: I don't know. I'm not mad... I'm...this is a lot to take.

Steve took one step further and so did Natasha.

N: Steve I'm sorry I kept this secret for myself. I wanted to make you fall in love with me again, but you...I didn't want to tell you beacuse I thought you wouldn't want me, you won't want us.

S: Natasha I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I promise you won't ever be alone. I want to be the father that Rose deserves.

N: I want that too, Steve.

Now Steve pushed Nat into a tight hug and then Natasha felt what she thought was gone. She felt her love for him, she still loves him so much.


All of you think this is it, I don't want to break the bad news but Steve isn't actually in love with Nat... (yet), he only wants to be Rose's father. In the next chapter everything will be explained. What will happen to them? Reviews please.

Also I have big news!
I'm writing another romanogers fanfic! The title of this story is "Poisoned Passion".

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