Anjali giggled. "I remember those days when Shyam and I were seeing one another, and I would constantly miss him."

When Khushi did not respond, Anjali stopped laughing. "Did something happen?" Anjali asked.

Khushi sighed, happy that she could at least get this off her chest, with someone who would understand. "I messed up. I said some things and...let's just say I didn't mean them. At all. And sometimes insecurities get to the best of me. And now...he's not picking up my calls or talking to me..." Khushi's voice broke by the last line.

"What happened?"

"I met a childhood friend of his, Neha and..."

"Neha? You mean our neighbour Neha?" Anjali asked in slight astonishment.


"And then what happened?"

"I guess you could say I got very jealous, and didn't handle anything well at all."

Anjali nodded after a slight pause. "Look Khush, I don't know exactly what happened. But I do know this - especially after talking to Arnav lately, he has seemed so much happier. His mere tone says it all. And it makes me feel so good, as your friend and as his sister. He is crazy about you Khushi, he doesn't care for anything else like he does for you. And that is a fact. He may not use flowery words or show his affection in public, but I'm sure you know."

"I do." Khushi sighed. "And I feel the same way."

"Then talk it out. Open up to him Khush, maybe that's all you need. What you both need?"

Khushi nodded slowly, knowing that it was exactly what they both were inadequate of. He needed to know she was ready to keep moving forward, that she was just as committed as he was. And she had already realized her part, the moment she had witnessed Arnav leave in anger, the pain in his eyes and unspoken words were enough.

"And more than anything, he would need you tomorrow." Anjali continued softly.

"Tomorrow?" Khushi frowned, and then realization dawned upon her as she remembered a date he had once mentioned.

"It's our parents' death anniversary tomorrow. And on that day, Chotey is even more reserved than he already is. He prefers not opening up about anything to anyone, and not really talking to anyone..." Anjali muttered into the phone, and Khushi's eyes felt heavy at the thought.

"I will make sure to be there Anjali. I'll fix things." Khushi took a deep breath and brought a smile to her lips. Anything for him.


"Arnav, please...if you get the chance, call me." Khushi left another message on his voice mail. The beep becoming more and more accommodating to her ears. She had sent him plants, sent his favourite sugar free peanut butter cake to his office, sent him various cards throughout the day as well. Khushi bit her nails nervously, wondering what she could possibly do. She rose from her seat swiftly, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

She whirled past an utterly distraught Siddharth who had been about to enter her cabin, as his green eyes stared at her in wonder. "Khushi Di?"

"I have some important business to attend Sid. I'll talk to you later!" She rushed past him, evidently in a hurry.

"But...aren't we going home now?" He walked after her in a hurry, attempting to catch up.

"You are! Here, take the keys." She threw them in his unready hands, as she entered the empty elevator.

"What about you?" He exclaimed.

"I'll take an auto, tell Buaji I'll call her later!" Khushi yelled as the elevator closed shut, and Siddharth shook his head.

"Geez, people and elevators nowadays..." Siddharth muttered under his breath.

Chapter 36B - Amendments

Running From The Truth (by Emma)Where stories live. Discover now