Chapter 29 A & B - Storm

Start from the beginning

"You're a wonderful girl, please don't think I'm breaking up with you because I don't like something about you." He said softly. "It's just...I think I like someone else. And I don't want to keep you in a relationship where there is no hope. I'm really sorry."

She tried taking deep breaths, to stop from any crying. "I'm glad you told me. It's okay NK; don't be sorry for telling the truth."

"Thank you for understanding. You didn't deserve me anyways. You deserve someone who can love you wholeheartedly; you deserve to be with someone you love." He said sincerely.

What would he know anyways? He knew nothing about her feelings.

And so, she merely nodded.

"I should go. I would love if we could still be friends, however if you don't want to, I totally understand." NK said.

"I'll have to think about it." Lavanya muttered.

He nodded in understanding. "Of course. Anyways, I should get going. I hope I'll see you around." He gave her a small smile.

Her hand felt as heavy as a boulder, yet she managed to lift it and wave goodbye. He got up from his chair, pulling his phone to his ear in the midst. And she didn't miss the way his eyes brightened when he started to talk, as he walked away. She also didn't miss his voice, as hard as it was to hear with all the people talking around her.

"Hey Khushi, can I come see you?" She heard.

And then the voice faded away, as he left the caf, leaving her alone to her thoughts.

This is your own fault, Lavanya told herself. She had been warned of his nature before, yet for some reason she couldn't stay away.

Why? She asked herself, the question wracking her brain.

And so she walked back to campus, not knowing anything except that she loathed this Khushi.

Flashback over

It was aberrant. The day of that one party, where ASR had invited her to be his date, she recognized NK and all those feelings had rekindled. After their breakup, she had decided not to be friends with him anymore. She had fathomed that she felt something strong for him, and had she stayed around him she would not have been able to restrain those feelings.

She saw him dancing with this very same Khushi, and the animosity towards that one name resurfaced as well. She was shocked, knowing that they had been together for so long. That Khushi had managed to keep him with her, to have him fall in love with her.
Lavanya had immediately felt that familiar pang of jealousy, but she brushed it off as soon as she saw the look in ASR's eyes for Khushi. It was obvious that he felt something for her as well.

She wanted to laugh bitterly; Khushi had managed to capture everyone's attention.

And so, it was no coincidence that she happened to be there after NK found out the truth, that day in the bar. She had known something of the sort would happen. It was why she had purposely left Arnav and Khushi alone at that restaurant. It was no coincidence that she had been the shoulder to cry on; because she very well knew that he would need her.
She felt a lone tear fall down her skin, and onto the pillow she lay her head on. They had come a long way indeed...


"What's going on?" Nani asked firmly, the sweet nature of her was off balance for once.

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