"So that's where you got your scars? Your mate won't be too happy about that. We should cover those up." She went into my bathroom and grabbed some make up that matched my skin tone. Then she got to work on covering my scars. 

"This is the first time that Ryder has ever been violent towards me. And you know what the worst part is? I still haven't told him about finding my mate."  

"Honestly, I don't blame you for not wanting your mate dead. It seems pretty normal to me." She said, finishing up. She gathered all of my make up supplies and put them away. 

I had to laugh even though she was being somewhat serious. "Ok, it's almost eleven. We've spent enough time up here. Lets go see everyone." I said, getting up.  

I grabbed my phone off of my bed and Kady and I walked down the stairs with our arms looped together. 

People bustled around with food while others danced. No one even noticed as Kady and I slipped into the crowed. Our first stop was the dessert table. I eyed the strawberrys and whipped cream excitedly as we grabbed our plates. 

"Hey, Riya." 

"He- oh, it's just you." I joked when I noticed it was Ty. Kady laughed with me but Ty feigned hurt. 

"Just me? You know, we could be mates." 

"Um...Ty? I think if we were mates, we would know by now and I would have already jumped off of a cliff." Kady and I laughed even harder and so did a few people around us. 

"Maybe you just don't feel the connection because you're in denial." Ty shrugged. 

Kady suddenly spoke up. "She already has a ma- ouch!" She said as I elbowed her in the side. 

"You already have a mate? Who? Never mind, you won't tell me. I'll just ask Ryder." 

"NO!" Kady and I yelled in unison. 

"Can I talk to you in private please?" I asked Ty, while glaring at Kady. She just shrugged it off. 

I dragged Ty into a corner by the pack house library. "Please, please, please don't tell Ryder!" 

He smirked. "On one condition." 

I rolled my eyes. Well that was a given! "What do you want?" 

"Kiss me." 

"WHAT? But I just told you I have a mate!" 

He shrugged. "I don't care. Come on, you know I like you. What did you expect?" 

"I didn't know you liked me. I though you were just a pervert." 

He smirked "That too." He shook his head at me. "Well if you want me to tell Ryder then..." 

"Ok! Fine." I agreed. 

He smirked. "Here are the rules: The kiss has to last at least ten seconds, feel free to make it longer." He winked and I gagged. "And the kiss has to be with tongues." He continued, making a disgusted shiver run down my spine. "And last but certainly not least, my hands can roam freely...if you get my drift." He wiggled his eyebrows. 

I sighed, knowing that if I wanted to keep my mate a secret from Ryder, I'd have to comply. "Ok, but let's go outside." 

He nodded as he took my hand and dragged me through the crowed. I noticed Diego eyeing us suspiciously and sent him an apologetic look, but he just stayed confused. 

As soon as we got outside, I felt the breeze hit my face. It felt good and it calmed my nerves about what I was doing. Ty turned me around to face him and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. He pulled me towards him and I closed my eyes, but not before seeing Diego freeze as he opened the door to come outside. 

Ty liked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I granted; as it was part of the deal. His hands roamed my body as he said they would, and it made me slightly more uncomfortable since Diego was watching. The kiss wouldn't have been too bad if I wasn't thinking about what would happen as soon as the kiss was over. For that reason alone, I kept the kiss going for a little longer than ten seconds. 

"Damn." Ty said breathlessly after I pulled away. He leaned in for another kiss but I moved back as a tear slid down my cheek.

I turned to look at Diego but he was already in his wolf form, heading towards the forest. 

"What's wrong?" Ty asked me. 

"He saw." 

"Who, the Alpha? Oh he won't care." 

"He's my mate." I said as broke into tears. 

Ty chuckled. "Looks like you're going to be in a lot of trouble with the alpha." He shook his head and my jaw dropped. 

"You don't even care! What's the matter with you?" I rolled my watery eyes. "Whatever. A deal's a deal, so don't mention anything to Ryder." 

He smiled mischievously. "You're right, a deal is a deal; but I don't keep a habit of holding up my end until I'm completely satisfied." 

I felt my eyes widen in shock. "Wha-what?" 

"Meet me after school tomorrow in the boy's locker room while everyone is at practice. If you don't...well let's just say, it won't end too well for you." 

"That's not fair! I did what you said!" I whined. 

"Well, now I'm saying more things." 

"Ryder will- my mate can-" 

"Make them do whatever you want. As long as you're okay with Ryder finding out about you and Diego, and not even hearing it  from you." He shrugged. 

"Ugh! I hate you!" 

"Love you too, baby-doll." He stole a quick peck on the lips then went back into the pack house. 

"And if it doesn't work out between you and your mate, you know where to find me." With that said, he walked back into the house. But I didn't follow; I had some things to sort out with my mate. This was a disaster, but it seemed like it would only get worse. That was pretty much the pattern. 

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