After a few seconds, I nod, feeling a lot more relaxed as I get up, taking the two cups with me over to the sink, to wash then dry. After they are put away I face him, "Well it can't be helped, you have to go, so don't worry too much about me, I will try not to break anything. I'll also get everything in that Spider's house, cleaned and fixed as soon as possible, so you can go in peace, but don't forget to get me something nice just as Cuddles did when he went on his honeymoon trip."

He gazes over at me with a scowl, "First of all, that 'Go in peace' bit, makes me feel like you're sending me off to die; I know you hate me, but don't let it show too much. Second, you're crazy if you think I will bring you the number of presents, Cuddles got for you, so stop dreaming and be thankful if I get you a bottle opener or something."

"I hate you? Mops, you're the one wanting to give me a frickin bottle opener. If that's not hate, I don't know what is. Besides, what the fuck would I need a bottle opener for?"

"Gee, I really don't know, but I'm guessing it would be to open bottles," his answer is sarcastic and the look on his face is the universal expression of 'duh'.

"You are such a meanie, I really can't with you. A frickin bottle opener," I grumble sticking out my tongue at him while walking out of the kitchen. "Don't be such a baby Steps... you know I love you," he calls, following me to the living room again.

"Well if you love me, you would get me awesome presents instead of a bottle opener," I hiss back as I made myself comfortable on the previously vacated sofa.

"Alright, alright, I will get you an extra something along with the bottle opener, so don't overflow my living room with your rivers of're such a gift whore and a baby, I can't help but worry about this whole situation with Dorian," he says, making himself comfortable once again. We both continue to bicker back and forth, laughing loudly at all the crazy things we said to each other. I can't help but to feel all the previous stress, melts away. It's always like this when I am with my friends. It would have been even louder if Velvet and Cuddles were here, but this is still super fun and most importantly it had taken my mind off of my troubles and that man. That is until, "Are you sure you are going to be alright, Steps? If you want, we can come up with some type of strategy to get him off your back and well...if that doesn't work, we can always kick him in the balls and run away," I wince at the 'kick him in the balls,' but still smile.

"Thank for the offer Mops, I know I can count on you and the guys, but I'll be fine, so don't worry about me especially when you need to focus on your photo-shoot. If I need any help I will be sure to give Cuddles or Velvet a call, ok."

He looks a little skeptical, but nods, "Ok, but don't forget to call me if everything gets too much, you know that we always got your back, so don't hesitate. By the way, is Cuddles back yet? He was supposed to get in yesterday, but I was so busy getting everything ready for the trip that it slipped my mind. And when I did remember to call, it was already too late to call him, knowing that he must have been extremely exhausted from the trip."

Turning to my side, I face him; "No, not yet, he's still in Italy with his sexy beast of a husband. I called him right before I came here and he told me that his man wanted to spend another week over there, so we won't be seeing him until next week...though we should add a couple more days to that week because we all know what Santier is wanting that extra week for. It's for one reason and one reason only, to fuck Cuddles into oblivion before heading back this way."

SWEET, WITH A HINT OF FIRE AND SPICE (MANxMAN, Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now