Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry I'm late." She apologized walking around the table. "Ah, Rita." Larry stood from his chair escorting her to the plates. "I was just putting myself together. You know it takes some time." She said, standing between Cliff and Larry with a plate in her hands. "I hear we have a guest from the outside, how wonderful." Rite said as she grabbed a giant piece of meat and spaghetti. Maeve and Garfield smiled.

"I'm Rita." She introduced herself. "Oh, I know, um... Maeve told me." This earned the blonde-haired girl a cheeky smile from the lady in the red dress. "But I'm Rachel." The purple haired girl added. "Delighted." She smiled a big smile continuing to fill her plate as much as she could fit on it, stacking it up high receiving a weird look from Rachel. "I'm famished." Rita said, with the set of tongs she attempts to grab a slice of fruit that was on the tray in front of Maeve, this cause Maeve's smile to drop. "Don't touch it!" She snapped causing the ground to shake a little. Rita retracts the tongs – Maeve did not like sharing, Garfield was her only exception, but unless you were Garfield she had to offer the food to you. "Oh, I am sorry Mae, I didn't realise." Rita apologized, giving the girl an apologetic look, which returned with a tight smile while Garfield rubbed her back, attempting to calm her down.

"Sorry." Maeve squeaked out, she still hasn't grasp the concept of her abilities, everyday they enhance and everyday it becomes harder to control. It was easier when she was younger, but since puberty, her hormones are all in wack, messing with her emotions, she had a grasp of it when she turned 15, but when she reached the age of 18 it started going off again, now even small things that may anger her cause the ground to shift slightly, even when the guard had caught her a few nights ago there was a small earthquake in the Philippines which she later saw on the news.

Larry stands from his chair to go fetch Rita's burger, once back he hands it to Cliff who looks at it for a short while before passing it on to Rita who gladly accepts. "My condition requires a high caloric intake." She added, "can you pass the gravy, please?" She asked, Maeve could see she was struggling to hold herself together. Garfield passes it to Maeve who passes it to Rachel and so forth.

Once Rita has her tin of gravy, she begins to drench her plate full of food in the brown meat-based sauce before she dives in, getting a mouth full of food. Maeve begins going back to eating her fruit tower, smiling when she sees a little fruit man. "Well this is absolutely delicious Larry." She said, leaning back in her chair after, she had cleaned her mouth of any access food. "Someone kiss the cook." Maeve rolled her eyes. "It's chef Larry." She corrected his word smiling as she began eating the fruit man.

Everyone laughed ignoring Maeve's comment. "Seriously, I'll take anyone, anybody?" He asked causing a smile to make its way onto everyone's face, even getting a few laughs. "Alright no takers, alright." He finished, people around the table were either still laughing or smiling.

"Are you okay?" Maeve and everyone else looks to Rita who begins to morph back into her mutated form. "Rita?" Larry questioned as she placed her hand over her dismembered face, a sad look begins to take over her facial expression. Garfield and Maeve were lucky – they looked normal, minus Garfield's hair, but not many people cared, they just brushed it off, but Larry, Cliff and Rita were different physically; Rita couldn't control when she changed, she could only stay looking what some would class as normal for a short time.

"I um.. should have stayed in bed." She said hiding from the view of everyone, mainly Rachel who scooted her chair closer to Rita, reaching over to comfort the woman placing her hand on Rita's. "It's okay." Rachel said softly, "I'm not afraid of you." She stated there was a nice pause while Rita brings her hand down from her face.

The door slams open and we all look in the direction on if the chief standing in the doorway. "Who is this?" He asked gesturing to the purple haired teen. "Chief, I can explain." Garfield stuttered out. "Later." He shook it off. "I have a new patient." Maeve rushed up out of her chair. Everyone begins walking down to the basement, Rita puts her doctors coat on before we all begin walking to the person on the table.

𝐕𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘. garfield loganWhere stories live. Discover now