iii. shivers

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"kim taehyung. i'm seventeen, about to be eighteen." he returned the smile slowly creeping onto the boy's face. "actually, in a few months. "

"so... you're not security?" the latter asked, groaning and slowly shutting his eyes, the smile wiped off his face.

"no, i was just messing with you. my dad owns the place."

"fuck. i'm really sorry, man."

"what?" taehyung shrugged, his hands plunging into his pockets, colliding with the pesky cardboard box. "i'm not my dad, i don't mind. though i am curious..." he eyed the ball now sitting several feet away.

"oh yeah, uh, ha." the boy strolled over, leaving on leg up in a sort of 45° arabesque as he leaned forward to scoop the ball in his arms. "was just practicing."

"you were pacing."

"i was practicing. it's a long story." he shrugged. "i was apologising because i lied. my name is jeon jungkook."

huh. that makes sense. he didn't seem like a min yoongi.

"jeon jungkook..." the words rolled off his tongue and the younger shuddered as they sounded. "and your age...?"

"didn't lie about that." he nodded.

a tick passed, and taehyung found himself over studying the features of jungkook's face. the boy who had once been an utter furtive being had now revealed himself, and with each alternate facial expression, taehyung felt like he was delving into an unread book.

"you want to learn how to play?" taehyung suddenly asked after the moment's silence.

jungkook replied with wide eyes. "yes!" then he cleared this throat, too brusque for such an offer. "i mean, i know how. i'm just no good."

"well, fuck." taehyung's plans to discuss more were soiled. "i don't know shit about football, besides from the rules."

jungkook's finger traced the outline of one of the black pentagons.


was that a hint of dissatisfaction? disappointment?

"hey, can i -"

"taehyung!" a voice bellowed, echoing about the entire stadium. taehyung's head flew around from where he had come from in the stands. he recognised the severity of the tone from anywhere. his father stood, waving one arm, beckoning.

"ah," he moaned, turning back to face jungkook, whose distressed face was returning. "sorry, dad. can i get-"

"taehyung! get over here! quick!"

"yeah, dad!" taehyung took a step away, not daring to look away from the boy. "i'll see you, jungkook."

shivers. really, jungkook, you're shivering at the man's words? no, boy. he's a boy.

"yeah, course."

and with that, taehyung left with a smile, rushing from the scene and to where he belonged, in front of his father's glare. jungkook watched as taehyung was lightly tapped round the back of the head and taken by the ear. taehyung's father glared, but made no further action to advance or communicate with jungkook, choosing to desperately yank taehyung out of the stadium completely.

jungkook stood alone, the thought of the boy lingering in his mind.


double update 🌚 yall lucky

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