4- Horrors

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WARNING MATURE CONTENT, it isn't graphic but the context is mature so be aware of the following chapter-

Tonks' POV

Greyback dragged me harshly back into Malfoy manor with my aunt in tow. He dropped me carelessly onto the hard cold floor, I winced as my ribs made a cracking sound. God make it stop please..... He looked down at me maliciously smirking, what I wouldn't give to punch him right now, I narrowed my eyes at him only to receive a very painful kick in the gut. Owwwww.

"Bye baby girl," Bellatrix smirked before leaving us. What a bitch... Hang on.... Oh my god... What have I done! I almost bloody got Remus killed, not to mention I insulted him and everything! And my mother... I don't even want to think about that right now. The whole in my heart wasn't ready for that to sink in yet.

"Ready for some fun beautiful..." Greyback breathed menacingly. Oh god no no no.... I suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through my arm as he grabbed it tightly. I spat in his face desperately but he just clutched me tighter. My arm was going numb and I felt my head begin to spin.

This was my last chance... I bit down hard into his hairy arm and he yowled in pain releasing me in the progress. I scrambled to my feet and swiftly began to run, however due to my clumsiness, thanks a lot clumsiness -_-, I tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor. I heard a evil chuckle from behind and felt him grab my top and drag me along with him. My body scraped against the rough surface making my arms bleed. The familiar burn was back, the burn of bleeding... I hated it. I closed my eyes waiting for the worst to come.

Suddenly I wasn't moving anymore. My legs fell back to the floor. I opened my eyes to find Greyback locking the door behind me. We were in bedroom by the looks of it, there was a bed so I guess it was a bedroom. Once he locked the door he smirked at me,making me shudder. This wasn't going to end well. He suddenly lunged at me and I yelped in surprise, he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall, my head smashed against it and I temporarily lost my barings. I felt my top being ripped off me and I could feel myself resisting, I began to claw blindly at the man before me and I heard a wince which may mean that I got him or maybe it was me wincing. I suddenly felt that same burning sensation all over my body. The pain was agonizing, I heard someone scream and only a few moments later or realised that the screams were coming from my own lips. He pulled me off the wall and onto the bed. He began to undress me as I began to sob.

"P-please s-st-stop..." I pleaded, that's when he crashed his lips to mine. His lips moved roughly, I closed my mouth but he didn't stop. He forced my mouth open and shoved his tongue down my throat, he bit my lip in anticipation and moaned loudly. It took all my might not to vomit all over him. He continued to suck my face off while trailing his hands slowly down my body. I cried harder, as he continued. The agonising pain was completely unbearable, I continued screaming in pain as he continued with my punishment.

After a long time he finally stopped that however he still snogged me viciously. I managed to slip my leggings on unknowingly in the covers but my top half remained bare apart from my bra. I didn't stop crying, my bones ached along with the burning sensation of my bleeding scratches. I knew this was it, he would do this to me until I died. I was doomed...

Third persons view

Remus had finally managed to sneak into Malfoy Manor. He knew Sirius would have been waiting at his house a while now and didn't want to worry his friend, however he wasn't leaving without Nymphadora Tonks and that was that. He heard a scream and froze, that was her...

He ran a hand through his hair and ran through the corridors towards the screams. He kept searching but didn't find her, the screams were getting worse now and he was now beginning to hear frantic sobs.

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