1- Gone

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Many people were seated at number 12 Grimmauld place that night. They were seated around the long table chatting conversationally. The young boy with black hair, rounded glasses and the lightning shaped scar sat across from his ginger friend and beside his 'criminal' godfather. They were awaiting two Aurors who were late.... as usual.

"Shouldn't we just start this already?" A voice came from none other than Kingsley Shacklebot. A few nodded their agreement however a certain bearded wizard disagreed.

"Now, Kingsley we can't start the meeting without them, especially since we are waiting for Alastor Moody and his apprentice." He said, his eyes twinkling. Sirius nodded along with Remus Lupin however the young scarred boy remained silent.

Harry James Potter, thought to himself. I hope Moody shows up without her, she makes everything awkward and is always making loud noises. She can be so annoying and not to mention she always tries to talk to me... But why wouldn't she come, if Moody is coming surely she will come. Harry sighed and began shovelling some food into his mouth, little did he know the boy opposite him was thinking along the same lines.


It was a dark and cold night in London. The sky was slightly tinted blue showing two shadowed silhouettes in the night sky. They soared through the sky at full speed in determination, the cold chilled them to the bone as the similar sensation of a dementor kissing them rushed through their veins. Gloom seemed to be closing in on them as they we're getting closer to their destination. One of them fell behind a little, dew to the sudden burst of wind.

"Hurry up," a voice growled, "we're already late." The shadow that fell behind pushed forward and managed to catch up with difficulty.

"I'm sorry I'm not a fricken vampire..." A female voice grunted sarcastically. The first voice growled and began to usher the second further forward. Suddenly a sensation of danger rushed through them and the larger shadow began to fall through the sky towards the land. The second screamed and dived down at full pelt.

Just as the first one was about to hit the floor it was caught by the second and placed lightly on its feet. He grunted a 'thanks' but froze when he heard something unfamiliar.

"Don't move, someone's here," he snarled and the second one obliged. They stood very still until suddenly two black figures were opposite them. Both of them froze until the female shadow realised who it was.

"You! What are you doing here you bitch!" She hissed towards who she now recognised as her aunt.

"I could ask you the same thing my darling Nymphadora..." She cackled wildly before the first stood in front of his apprentice.

"Bellatrix Lestrange... You shouldn't have come tonight." He growled mencingly.

"Oh but Alastor.... It is you who shouldn't have come..." The second beside Bellatrix growled, he was bulky and scarred he seemed rather young but those deadly red eyes gave away his identity... Fenir Greyback, the deadliest werewolf alive.

Nymphadora and Alastor stood steadily in their place their wands drawn and their faces determined. Bellatrix looked thoughtful for a moment and then faced her niece an actual smile spread across her lips.

"Now Nymphadora, I don't wish to kill you so please can you leave so I'm not forced to curse you?" She said looking truly sincere for once in her life.

"As if bit- wait what!" Nymphadora answered her brow furrowing but her wand still drawn ready for attack. Alastor kept an eye on Fenir Greyback to make sure he didn't try to attack his apprentice while she was distracted.

Midnight; Nymphadora TonksWhere stories live. Discover now