2- Missing her

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A blood curdling scream echoed around Malfoy Manor. Just as it died down another occurred just as loud as the first. Through the corridors and down the stairs lead to the celler. A girl lay of the floor, blood pouring from her arm as another stab of unbearable pain shot through her veins, her jaw clenched as she tried to hold back another scream. Suddenly the door burst open and the pressure causing the pain was immediately released.

"What are you doing!" Shrieked an all too familiar voice furiously. The girls vision was hazy as she tried to focus and watch the scene above her. Her eyes slowly adjusted and she could just about see the blurry scene. Her aunt stood glaring viciously at the girls torturer. Fenir Greyback stood beside her, glaring just as ferociously.

"W-well sh-she -your- she's your prisoner isn't she... Y-you need answ-answers on information on th-the ord- the order?" The small fat man mumbled nervously. It seemed no one underestimated Bellatrix Lestrange on this end of the light.

"Of course not! She's my niece I brought her here to see her mother!" Bellatrix screamed her face growing red. The girls pupils dilated, her mother.... But her mother was dead... Bellatrix walked towards her niece and crouched down.

"Are you ok Nymphadora?" She whispered to the girl bleeding on the floor. She examined her niece carefully and slowly healed her wounds. Nymphadora's vision seem to settle and focus and she could now see properly. She nodded shakily, lost for words. Her mind was fuddled, should she trust her aunt? Is her aunt really trying to help her? Would she ever get out of here? Why was her mother here? Was her mother even here?

"Good, now I've brought you here to learn the truth... Your mother is alive and well-" Bellatrix began.

"Let me see her!" Nymphadora said before uncertainly adding, "p-please?"

Bellatrix nodded and walked to the door of the celler, she looked upstairs as if waiting for something before shouting.

"Andromeda! Come down here, your daughters awake." Bellatrix called, and much to Nymphadora's surprise she heard someone coming downstairs. In came her mother, smiling at her daughter happily.

"Nymphadora!" She beamed and ran towards her daughter. Nymphadora sat upright and stared at her mother through narrowed eyes. It was her mother.... But her eyes...there was no happiness in them....

"M-mum... What are you doing here.... How are you here?" She began awestruck, "He attacked you!" She added pointing at Greyback accusingly.

"I was never killed darling...." Andromeda soothed smiling softly and then she furrowed her brows in confusion, "Fenir never attacked me dear..."

"Yes he did I remember seeing you unconscious and a- a werewolf over you... It was him!" Nymphadora said her lip quivering.

"Well yes dear your right, I was unconscious underneath a werewolf... But it wasn't Greyback, and I wasn't dead. Besides he was across the other side of the country." Andromeda said as her daughter furrowed her brow.

"T-then who attacked you...." She asked her eyes wide. It was silent for a moment until her mother sighed and looked her daughter in the eyes.

"Remus Lupin...." Andromeda breathed shuddering at the memory. I took a while before Nymphadora reacted. It finally sunk in after a few silent minutes. Her daughter froze in her spot. Surely not, Remus isn't like that.... He would never attack anyone.... However he was avoiding contact the next day.... He never looked at her once in the eyes... No... Not Lupin.

"N-no it wa-wasn't," she said, although deep down she knew her mother would never lie to her no matter if she was a on this side or not...

"It was honey, that's why Sirius Black was there also trying to restrain him....." Her mother pressed softly. Nymphadora did remember a dog with the werewolf, trying to restrain it....

Midnight; Nymphadora TonksWhere stories live. Discover now