Chapter Two | The Electric Chuckaloo

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Chuck E Cheese's POV:
"MIKEY BABY!?!?" I spring up and look around, it's too dark for me to see anything. Then a painful pulse shot through my head. "Ughhhh... What happened?? Where's my Mikey??" I give my brain a good thinking. I can't seem to remember how last night ended. I just remember me and Mike hitting it off and how close I was to getting that bah dah dah daht dah I'm loving it Mikey D. And then something happened to not make me think so goodly. If only I wasn't passed the frick out for who knows how long. And if only I could remember what the friggity frack happened. And where's my Mikey? I've gotta go find my Mikey-bear.
I go to turn on the lights but by doing so, I knock down a bucket of cleaning supplies along with a mop that hits me square on the noggin. Why the h e double hockey sticks did I wake up in the supply closet? Muttering a few other colorful choice of words I kick the cleaning supplies back in the bucket with no regard and open the door. I'm determined to do only one thing: find the love of my life Mikey. I'll stop at nothing until he's in my arms once and for all, and once he is I won't ever let go of his delicious bootay. No matter what I'll find Mikey.
I sprint out of the supply closet and frantically dart my eyes from side to side looking for my boo thang. I- thump. "Aw finger licking Funtime I fricking tripped. Of course I fricking did, this kinda duck plucking thing only happens to me. I'm sorry Mikey but you're just not worth the risk. Every time I let a ding dang man come into my life I always get hurt. Well not anymore, I'm an independent thing who don't need no significant other. I have been fine for all these flang fiddling years by myself and I will continue to be fine by myself. I AM-" I pause in awe of God's most perfect creation.
A beautiful hecking chonker of a male specimen walks through the main entrance. Talk about a walking sex symbol with the sex appeal of a Greek God.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier!" The man's deep, smooth as butter voice booms-did he say everybody? I look around and notice that I'm the only one in the room. He continues, "Welcome to FNAF, an indie horror game that you guys suggested in mass."
FNAF? Indie horror game? What the hecking heck is an indie? And horror? I haven't played a game since that game of tag I played when I was but a youngin', and by god was that horrifying.Technically that game is still going which makes me the current reigning uncontested champ of tag. Add that to the resumè I guess.
"And I saw that Yamimash played it and he said it was really really good. So I'm really eager to see what is up."
Why are the hot ones always so crazy and what in Zeus' name is a "Yamimash"??? Curse me and my filthy attraction to the insane ones. Though as I stare into his manly physique and chocolate eyes I feel myself falling deeper and deeper in love. This feeling inside of me only grows the more I stare at his beautiful chiseled jawline. And it hits me, this is the man I want my future with. This is destiny crossing our fates with one another and intertwining our paths as to meet our one true love. I imagine our kids-three to be exact. Little Johnny, Erica and Cthulhu. Cthulhu would be the problem child, like the ones you see in the movies and sitcoms, but he would ultimately come around and love his family like we love him. All of them born with the astonishingly chiseled jawline straight out of the womb.
He has to feel the same way by now, surely at first glance he was stricken by love just as I was. I should propos- greet him. Sweep him off his feet. I walk up to him, preparing the ol' patented Chuck E. Razzle Dazzle. "Hey there hot stuff, what's a place like you doing in a man like this? I mean... ummm. What's a man like you doing in a man like me? Wink wonk." A moment of silence passes. He doesn't even notice me, I'm practically in his face and he just doesn't seem bothered with me. Did I come on too strong??? No of course not, he's just playing hard to get. Time to up my game. It's like my daddy always said " If you want to get in their pants, you have to be willing to take them off." Well what he actually said was " The pants are too strong on their own, you have to show them who's boss before you can put them on," but I always knew what he meant.
If stepping up my game was what I had to do then so be it. Time to bring my A game: my signature smolder. My eyebrow cocks and I shine a cheeky smirk at the devilishly handsome man. My throat clears as the words smoothly leave my mouth, "You got a name, hot stuff?" I make sure to stare directly into his chocolate orbs. It's as if the two of us are holding a saucy staring contest, each of us too determined not to look away. At least this goes on for about ten intense seconds. I can feel his mere manly aura dominate over my own and I know just who's in charge. A man like this I've only ever fantasized of.
He doesn't respond again. Is he just intentionally ignoring me? If that's the case I would have to put myself out there more, but I don't know if I can even afford to do so. I'm pretty much already way too out there, I don't know how much more out I can get from there. I don't want to seem too obvious, so I should leave it alone for now. I vow to make him notice me eventually, like a hopeless romantic yandere.

Fuck E. Cheese's: Chuck E Boi x PewDiePieWhere stories live. Discover now