No. 15 - Letters of Love

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Dear Glory,

I love your sarcasm. 

You're the most beautiful, sarcastic queen I've ever met.

That makes me proud to be your bodyguard, even if you still call me a stalker. I love the way you gave Maggie a piece of your mind, again. Sunny told me everything.

I wish I could've been there to see it.

If you get this scroll, just know that I miss you everyday,

~ Deathbringer 

Glory smiled after reading the letter for the fifth time. Jambu handed her a scroll. She dipped her claw in some nice blue ink and let the words flow out.

Dear Deathbringer,

How are Clay and the others? Tell them I miss them all so much... even Tsunami. 

Geez, don't miss me too much. Jade Mountain won't be Glory-less for too much longer. Kinkajou made me promise to come visit next week. I'm sure your students could so with a venom-shooting expert.

Don't worry, Banana and the other guards are taking care of me. Though none of them are as clingy or smug-faced as you, stalker.

I maybe miss you too,

~ Glory

Kinkajou elbowed Deathbringer knowingly, wiggling her eyebrows. He rolled his eyes but couldn't keep the smile from his face as he wrote back to his Queen...

My Queen,

Deathbringer's Assassin Summer School is a success! The JMA students seem to love it. Tsunami joined yesterday to show off her skills. Sunny and Clay had a lot of fun too but Starflight wasn't very happy when I used him for a demonstration.

I can't wait to take this back to the Rainforest. *hint hint nudge nudge* Your tribe could do with a few lessons.

Of course it isn't the same here without you Glory.

Fatespeaker should be on her way with a special surprise just for you...

~ Your Heroic, Drop-dead Gorgeous Bodyguard.

Fatespeaker sprinted into Glory's treehouse without a single 'hey!' or 'nice to see you,' knocking over a few flower crowns and dart guns. Her NightWing friend handed Glory a large box and left just as quickly. (Though Glory knew she was just hiding around the corner.)

She unboxed her gift carefully, pulling out a little clay dragon. It was a RainWing that had obviously been sculpted during one of Clay's ceramic classes. The workmanship was a little dodgy, making Glory believe Deathbringer himself had made it. Etched into the dragon's leg was 'Glory.'

"Do you like it?" Fatespeaker asked, popping her head through the door.

Glory rolled her eyes. "I love it so very much," she smiled.

Fatespeaker breathed a sigh of relief, "Phew! Your boyfriend made me fly all the way here!" 

"He's n-not - "

Fatespeaker grinned. "Well he should be!"

Dear Deathbringer,

Glorybringer🌺StoriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin