No. 8 - A Royal Holiday

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"But why do I have to go with him?" Glory complained.

"Because I'm your bodyguard!" Deathbringer exclaimed. Glory rolled her eyes and gave Grandeur a death stare.

"Come on Glor, it will be fun! You need a holiday! I'll take care of everything here while you're away," Grandeur explained looking the young queen in the eye.

"Royal trips are never fun!" Glory moaned making Deathbringer chuckle. What could be worse than a boring trip to the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the Kingdom of the Sea.

"I'll make it fun," he smirked. She immediately looked away, not interested in knowing what that meant. 

"Coral promised that the meeting won't be boring this time." Grandeur said impatiently, "You'll be staying on an island above the palace for three days."

"But the meeting is only for one day," Deathbringer pointed out.

"Exactly, but Glory needs a break so do your best to make sure she embraces it Deathbringer." Grandeur smiled and exited the room.

Glory groaned. 


The cool sea breeze brushed against Glory's scales. Waves crashed on to the shore and spray went everywhere. The beach was all peaceful and tranquil except one factor...

her travel buddy.

"So what did you royals talk about at the meeting today?" Deathbringer asked sitting beside Glory on the edge of the island.

"None of your business," she snapped.

"But I'm your bodyguard I deserve to know!" He said cockily.

"You're a volunteer bodyguard." Glory stated the obvious. She got to hear feet and decided to stroll down the lonely beach under the magnificent sunset. Leaving their tiny hut and hopefully Deathbringer behind her, she trudged along in the sand.

She lied down on the warm sand and breathed in the fresh air. Grandeur was right (don't tell her.) Maybe she did need a holiday.

Specks of sand flew into Glory's eyes as Deathbringer dramatically fell onto the sand beside her with a thud. He stared straight into her eyes.

"Are you having fun yet?" He whispered even though there was no one around.

"Never," Glory teased. Suddenly he picked her up off of the ground and held her tightly in his arms. Glory wriggled around in his warm grasp, trying to escape. Once Deathbringer stood on the very edge of the water where waves lapped over his claws, he threw Glory in.

She emerged, knee deep in the freezing cold ocean, screaming. Deathbringer flung himself into the waves after her. Glory splashed him with her tail and threw her wings up over her face as defence. Glory had always wished that RainWings were water proof.

Deathbringer advanced forward and Glory ran back to shore until she was ankle deep in salty water. Deathbringer leaped forward to splash her but Glory pinned him down with ease.

Warmth radiated from his body amongst the freezing waves. Glory could feel his heart beating in sinc with hers.

"You are having fun aren't you?" Deathbringer laughed.

"Not yet," Glory said. He was bewildered for a second until Glory twined her tail around his.

In reaction, Deathbringer smiled and pulled her down so her body was against his. Startled, Glory stared deep into his eyes. She had never been this close to someone before, except maybe when she was about to punch Tsunami in the face.

Deathbringer whispered something to her but the crashing waves drowned out his words.

It didn't matter. Glory leaned forward and pressed her snout against his. Adrenaline coursed through her bones as she lay in Deathbringer's embrace. 

This vacation wasn't so bad after all.

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