Oh you must be wondering what happens when our mortal goes to the darkness... Well... It's a downfall for all of us. Clear Angels become White Angels... White Angels become Black Angels... and Black Angels... Well to tell you the truth I don't want to say it. But since it's you, you do need to know about it. Black Angels become Fallen Angels. They roam the earth endlessly without a purpose, without powers and without a soul. They just roam the earth. Walking endlessly without break. No destination just walking around. Cursed to live a life without actual life. It's painful because they never really lose consciousness and no matter what they do to try to fight it, their body won't follow them and they end up lost.

If I were to term it to your understandings, it'll be... more like... Zombies? Yes. Zombies. Ah, and I forgot to mention one more painful thing. They become "Zombies" but they remember the most painful memories of their Black Angel days. It would definitely push them to become insane and attempt suicide but they cannot die anymore since they're very much considered dead. So no matter how much they try to end their misery... they will never see the end.

But before that could happen, of course we do have chances. Our goal? 7 souls. When we reach 7 saved / Light Souls then we improve but when we lose 6 souls, we go into a downfall. Although once you become a Clear angel, being downgraded is actually uncommon.

Wah! I've been talking too much I didn't realize they started bickering again! These two really needs to stop it. It's making my head hurt. Ugh.

"Hey stop it. Why do you always fight?" I intervened.

Junhoe huffed and looked away. This White Angel is the most prideful one I've met. No wonder he hasn't reached the pinnacle of service. He still has his Black Angel qualities. I shook my head and averted my gaze to Hanbin who was now drowning at the sight of our mortal, AGAIN.

"You two should be working together. WE are all supposed to be working together as a team. TEAM! You know, that thing where there's more than 2 people trying to accomplish something?! You both should know that. You can't always argue and bicker like this. Our mortal is going to suffer too." I nagged.

Of course I had to give out a speech again. Since we became a team I never stopped nagging and they've always bickered. I sighed again.

"Tell him that! He's the one who's always starting it." Junhoe blamed Hanbin again.

I sighed and said "stop being a brat about this whole thing. You're a White Angel now... You're supposed to be composed and elite."

He sighed and looked away. Hanbin, on the other hand, smiled at our human again. I'm getting really worried that he's becoming too attached to our human.

Ah, I forgot to explain something again. Sorry, since I need to take care of these two I always forget a lot of things. *sighs*

You must be wondering where Black Angels come from right? Since I did tell you where White and Clear Angels come from. Black Angels are souls that were denied the right to live on earth. It means, the mortals who were conceived but killed before they could live. You call it babies abandoned? Wait was it adoration? Or... something... You should know it. You're a mortal.

Ah! Our mortal is finally awake! We all lined up and greeted him. Not that he can see us, but it's already a habit. To bring brightness and to strengthen our bond with our mortal. He stretched and yawned before getting up. His eyes were still closed while he sighed. Then he looked at the time and lied down on his bed again. Junhoe and I sighed. He's been sleeping less and less these past few days. Trying to compose a song for his finals presentation.

Since Hanbin has been throwing several challenges his way, he's pretty busy and distracted. So all he could do is sleep whenever he's too troubled. Well he's always been a really quiet boy. Although sometimes he becomes really hyper and becomes the center, he initially goes back to being his quiet self.

Sometimes he just becomes part of the background that it makes us frown. Junhoe always goes out of his way to console our mortal even though our mortal doesn't see him. He always makes sure that he makes our mortal smile by giving out simple silver linings.

Ah, you don't get it? Well we can't really interact with our mortal unless we really need to. Or I usually do whenever he's super down but that hasn't happened yet. Our mortal usually keeps everything to himself that's why sometimes we wonder what's going on in his head. But we're sure that he is still under the influence of a "Good" heart because Junhoe has not molted not even once while Hanbin keeps on molting and lastly, my tiny wings are starting to acquire a white color. Of course we're all happy about this.

Anyway, back to our mortal...

Hanbin sat on the side of his bed while gazing at him and Junhoe went to him. "Yah! Quit throwing challenges to him for once! He's been too troubled! Can't you at least give him some space to breathe?"

Junhoe started again. I sighed and was about to interfere when Hanbin glared at Junhoe. Oh no...

Well, here's a few reasons why I'm really worried right now. Hanbin is a bit like our mortal. He keeps everything inside and suddenly bursts when he's full. Making us really shocked. But the main reason is that when he's really, really full he starts with a glare and they actually start fighting. I had to ask for our Guardian's help to stop them before. Of course they were subjected to punishment yet they never seem to learn! Ah! What do I have to do to make these two stop and get along?!

Now Hanbin suddenly stood up and leveled his eyes with Junhoe. They both glared at each other as if mentally killing each other. I sighed and shook my head and walked towards them. I was about to separate them when I noticed that their wings were starting to spread out. Oh no... not another fight!

I jumped in between them a little too late because they both opened their wings wide open. Feathered orbs formed in front of their chests as they continuously glared at each other. Oh no... Oh no, oh no, oh no! This is NOT GOOD!

I better call our guardian before-








I coughed and waved my arm in front of me trying to clear out the smoke. This is just too much! What is our guardian going to do to us this time?! We're all going to get punishments again!

I coughed again and heard three other coughs. Wait... I was coughing and I guess Hanbin and Junhoe were the other two... But who's the other one? Is our mortal sick?

I opened my wings and flapped them to clear out the smoke. The smoke disappeared in no time and what I saw shocked all three of us.


Hello everyone,

I wanted to thank you for spending some time to read my fic.
Honestly this has been hidden away for a long time. And it was actually different characters.
I've been wanting to post it for a while because TeamB really stole my heart. But from there, they became Ikon and they made me fall deeper into their fandom.
They're amazing and I can't help but fall in love with them.
I've honestly stopped writing for a good while now due to different circumstances in my life but after years of reading different Ikon fanfics, I kinda pushed myself to post again.
Also my friend told me that I'll regret it if I don't pursue my passion for writing. So here I am again.
I started in AsianFanFic and writing with different muses before so I'm re-writing this to match Ikon now specifically BinHwan and BobHwan and Double D. So I hope you guys like it and support me.

Thank you very much!

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