Day 79

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Things have settled down with the D.A.D. group. I suppose it was for the best, as the students we have now are incredibly dedicated to training. I'm quite proud of what we've accomplished. As for Priscilla, Brelyna managed to sneak into her room and look at her notebook. I didn't want her to do that, as I was sure it would only fuel Brelyna's anger and drive her to do something she'd regret. I mean, I can't even count how many times she's said she wanted to break Priscilla's nose for what she's done to me.

But I was genuinely astonished at what Priscilla had actually written in the notebook. Brelyna told me it was full of my D.A.D. lessons. At first I suspected she was going to try and start up another rival dragon defence group, and just use my lessons she stole, but I don't think that's the case at all.

I thought back to when the three of us fought that powerful dragon. At first, we were chaos. Brelyna and I knew what to do, but Priscilla repeatedly screwed things up and put us in danger, giving the dragon the upper hand. But then, once I was injured and couldn't participate as much as they could, I think she saw the result of her stubbornness. She started listening to me when I shouted orders, and honestly, that's probably why we were able to prevail. She excels in destruction magic, more than any other student, but she's so bullheaded that her strength is never put to good use. Maybe I wasn't the only one who saw what she was capable of when she actually worked with others instead of doing everything her own way. Maybe she's trying to learn from my lessons, but she's too prideful to properly join us.

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