Day 62

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School has been school. The tutoring group has become something wonderful, where instead of me being the sole tutor, several other students have stepped up, each excelling in their own subject. This has really helped ease my workload, and I honestly feel better about it this way. I'm still the most knowledgeable tutor on alchemy, but the other tutors are definitely better suited for the other subjects. Although, for some reason the other tutors still treat me as some sort of superior tutor, running ideas past me, getting my permission for projects and such. I don't understand why they continue to do this after I've told them they really don't have to.

The Defence Against Dragons group, however, isn't doing too well. Many of the students have lost interest, and even with other students joining, our total number is nearly halved. Interestingly, I've noticed Priscilla sometimes spying on us, scribbling things down in some notebook of hers. I suspect she's up to something, but the arch-mage would probably just force us on another errand together if I said anything. For now, I'll keep my eye on her.

Skyrim Journals: Lopiken [Year 3]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt