Stage 2: Saving Ash: obstacles on the way to Manhattan

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Although it was rush hour in New York, it took them only 30 minutes to reach the city center.  Or to be more precise Bryant Park in Manhattan where the Public Library was located nearby.

Luckily, they had a motorcycle and could squeeze through all the traffic jams easily, so that they reached their destination rather quickly. That and Sing apparently wanted to break the world record for the fastest motorcycle ride from JFK to Manhattan.

But shortly before arriving at the public library there was a huge crowd and a roadblock as well as several police cars and an ambulance that prevented them from getting any closer. They got off and went through the crowd to see what was happening. Sing was supporting Eiji who could barely walk and lost his balance several times and the huge crowd wasn't really helping him.

When they finally reached the front and could see what was happening, they saw him, leaning against the wall with a clearly visible gunshot wound in his chest and vacant eyes staring up at them.

Fortunately it wasn't Ash but Lao, still holding a knife in his right hand dripping with blood. He had obviously been shot from a point-blank range.

Sing was utterly shocked seeing him like that. Lao had always been like a big brother for him, like family. Still Sing couldn't believe that idiot had really done that, only because he had challenged Ash to a duel both of them weren't even serious about. But how could Lao even....? And had it really been Ash who....?

"Sing! Look, over there!" Eiji interrupted his thoughts, motioning in a direction next to Lao where Ash's revolver was lying in a pool of blood.

"Oh, fuck! So it was really Ash shooting Lao!", Sing said, clearly shocked at the hard evidence lying in front of him.

"Well, it is his weapon, I'd recognize it anywhere.", answered Eiji, voice trembling, obviously terrified.

"But how did Lao get so close to Ash? Even if he managed to stage a surprise attack, Ash is way out of his league. There's no way he could get this close to Ash. So how did he manage to even injure him?", Sing wondered, speaking more to himself, apparently lost in thought.

Suddenly Eiji felt panic welling up inside of him. Sing was right. How could Lao get so close to Ash? And how could Ash even get injured by that bastard at all? Why hadn't he seen him coming? What could have happened that he was so distracted..... CLICK ...And it suddenly dawned on Eiji what had really taken place here... No...! Was it possible that....? There was no way...It couldn't be ....

The only time Ash had ever been distracted had always been when he was with .... me...!

And then he realized with a start what must really have happened! Oh, shit! His letter! Had Ash been reading his letter? And that's why he had been distracted?! That would explain why Lao had managed to get this close to him. Eiji couldn't think of any other way.

But was it really true? He couldn't believe it! That meant it had all been his own fault then! He had possibly caused Ash's death himself with his damn letter! No, that couldn't be! Hurting Ash was the last thing he wanted to do! And now he was the reason why Ash would die, if he wasn't dead already!!

How could he have done that to him? He'll never forgive himself for that, ever! But it all made sense! It explained everything!

Eiji had frozen up without warning, panicking as the truth hit him with such force that he suddenly couldn't breathe....he sank to his knees in utter desperation, gasping and crying, hands covering his face as an endless river of tears was flowing down underneath.

"Eiji, look at me! You have to breathe!" Sing grabbed him by his shoulders, desperate to get through to him and to get Eiji to finally notice him. Since that didn't work at all, Sing shook him as hard as he could.

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