Baekhyun watched his new winnings be carried carefully up the stairs, taeyong cocking his head. "Boss, why the fuck are you keeping her?" Baekhyun breathed in, eyes bright with reason. "Street dogs hold more knowledge then a domestic, they're handy."

   Yes he knew his words were sick, but little miss seemed oh so gorgeous tonight. She held something he wanted he just wasn't sure. He'd tolerate her, it's better then her being used as bait.... or as target practice.


    Rei awoke to beautiful black sheets, black walls, gold lights and silk black curtains tied with gold cords. She groaned at the pain in her neck, feeling where she was punctured by a needle in her neck. The room seemed huge, elegant and well kept. She just didn't know who's room this could be, how long could she have even been out?

"You fancy breakfast 'bout right now, yeah?"

Rei almost screamed, mouth frozen open in fear as she looked across the room to the left only to see the same white haired man from earlier... Taeyong, was his name, no? If she didn't feel so drained she would've jumped from the bed, kick out a window or something just to get away. Rei however didn't feel to threatened.

He must've understood her expression, the heavy automatic held in his hands bearing an intimidating presence as he broke his stance of being guard. The man put up his hands, showing he was no threat. "Only here to protect ya' Miss, boss's orders. You lay in his bed till he gets back. Had to put ya to sleep. You a biter 'nd a fighter." He chuckled at his joke, slang thick as he waited for the girl to respond.

She say up to thrash, suddenly being jolted down to feel something cold clamped around her left wrist. A gurgled sound of pain came from the back of her throat, almost black eyes widening as Taeyong neared her. "Musta' forgotten you still are a threat. Cant take chances." He only shrugged as Rei snapped her head to exam the hand cuff that kept her secure. The girl gently sat back up with ease this time, scooting back against the head board and yanking at it. The long bed post connected to the ceiling. She felt defeated as she shrunk as far as she could against the head board and gave Taeyong the dirtiest look she could muster.

He only gave a sickly odd smile in return, a metal canine shone amongst the rest. "Not very pleased?" He awaited a response, eyeing her as she kept the same gaze.

"Thanks for the feedback." Taeyong nodded back to the silence.

Rei responded after a few beats by pulling at the cuffs, knowing Taeyong may not be the one to undo her but if she put up enough noise she'd either be put out of her awaiting misery by the butt of his gun or him entertaining her somehow.

   But he stayed still, gaze fixing back on the wall like some kind of robot at attention. A scar was showing along his neck while he silently waited. She had questions, no one has put her in a damn bedroom before, let alone- she looked down to realize she was in sweat pants and a tshirt. These... these were casual clothes.

  Rei felt even more concerned, what the hell will she be used for? What do-

Glass shattered and Rei jerked her head up, watching a man covered head to toe advance towards Taeyong. She couldn't see his face but could see the path he abruptly left. Taeyong didn't hesitate to move forwards, the automatic being slung behind his shoulder as he unsheathed something sharp- a knife slicing air as that silver tooth flashed with that same sick smile. The man let off a shot, Rei could only gape.

Taeyong was closer to him, knife going into the man's wrist as a guttered noise came from his throat. The sound of the gun falling was mixed in with the scream as Taeyong pulled the knife out, only to bury it into the intruders chest more then thrice. She watched as Taeyong finished by bashing him across the face with the hilt of the knife, body meeting the expensive rug with a thud and struggled groans for air.

Taeyong took a few steps away. He leisurely grabbed the gun from the floor and stood over the man, his short, ugly gasps from the holes in his lungs wouldn't be leaving Rei's mind anytime soon. Neither would the sound of the bullet leaving the barrel and splitting his brain open. Taeyong only straightened up as a man with several piercings ran in, glinting in the light with black shaggy hair.

"Oh fuck! Oh, Taeyong goddammit." Rei watched the new character pull at his hair, watching the unraveled crime scene.

"Boss told you like three weeks ago he's gonna have your nuts if you leave another blood spill."  The short man stressed with a whine, Rei shocked at the fact they were only worried at the god damn carpet.

Taeyong only blinked, looking back at his equal. His expression showed one of an innocent child being informed don't spill things, honey eyes blinking.

"But gets more ah' thrill this way."

The man was pouting.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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