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I make the city move, I got the moves

「I make the city move, I got the moves」

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Red: the image of seduction, power, bloodshed and anger.


Baekhyun sat at the table, the beautiful dining palace glowed full of diamonds and a sweet scent of lavender. It was Made all out of imported Italian marble, the chandeliers made from real diamonds deep in the Orapa mine in Botswana.

He wore a red suit, gold hung from his neck with a sly smile painted on his face. He smelled of dark cologne, the kind that made you intoxicated. Baekhyun's eyes were dark, dramatic red dusted around his eye lids while he watched everyone get seated and bodyguards fill in the room.       

       He radiated so much power.

Byun Baekhyun was 26 and the deadliest man in Korea, he called the shots of Seoul and even the president listened to him. Tonight his friend, Donghae, invited him for poker night. He said he had a valuable prize tonight, one he thought Baekhyun might like. The red head never was keen on surprises, but the thought of it sounded nice. Maybe it was a ton of weed he could ship through California and have it sold in England. (The prices were higher)

He smiled as more people gathered in, each a criminal with a huge reputation. Everyone greeted him with a bow or friendly words.

Kim Kai, the infamous grifter, smiled as he walked down the stairs with Oh Sehun, who was infamous for stealing everyone and anyone's dollars. The biggest scammer, men or women had to watch out for this devilish man. They sat across the table, both looking at Baekhyun and giving a respectful nod.

"Hello, hyung." Sehun smiled, teeth dazzling as Kai shifted in his seat. His suit opened, showing his white button up. Baekhyun just laughed and gave a smile. "Hello boys."

His eyes adverted to Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, the boys who played with too much fire and dogs. They both looked rough, ashes on their clothes but bags of money by their feet.

"Ah, lovelies!" Donghae sang, coming into the room with Jongdae and Minseok, two boys who could easily be mistaken as gods. They were big in human trafficking, and good friends with Baekhyun.

"Oh baekie!" Minseok cooed, giving a wave and sitting down. Jongdae seated next to Sehun, a bad idea since the man wanted to taste million dollar champagne from his lips.

"Hae, what am I here for?" Baek asked, power radiating as he raised a brow to his host. Donghae just chuckled, looking at his two guards.

"Baekhyun, why not spend a little time with your favorite dealer?" Donghae motioned the men to get going, do whatever they secretly were supposed too. Baekhyun sighed, gently taking his wine glass and tasting the red wine. Too sour.

"You know I'm a busy man, yet I come here for whatever event this is with money you've asked for." Baekhyun said, voice like silk as his words drifted across the table. Donghae shifted, licking his lips as the two men suddenly came in the room, in their hands was a girl bound by rope, she wore a see through black lace dress, underneath she had a red pair of panties with a little bow and a red lace bra. she was gagged and her hands were tied behind her back, eyes full of anger as she was escorted to Donghae.

Baekhyun looked at her, shocked as he pushed his chair back. But he looked longer, she was breathtaking, breasts just right and skin so soft looking. Her mouth was the perfect shape, and god she looked so sexy with the black lace up heels.

"Princess, come to daddy." She pouted, stomping to him and sitting on his lap. He brushed the black hair away from her neck, breathing in her scent. Baekhyun didn't like the looks of it, it seemed perverted but man he'd do the same thing if she was in his lap.

He noticed everyone around the table, even Sehun was staring at her. She had her legs open thanks to Donghae teasing her. Now he spoke.

"Men, this is my princess, Rei, she's a gem I came across a few weeks ago in Japan. Mr. Nakamoto and Mr. Zhang sent her as a gift to me, but sadly I can't have her services since my dear wife wouldn't want her in the relationship. She's played with her as well, saying she's a good little toy." He brushed Rei's panties with the pads of his fingers. "Isn't that's right, baby girl?"

She moaned through the gag, Baekhyun swallowed hard.

"So boys, place bets, and whoever wins gets to keep Ms. Rei-" Donghae grabbed her thigh. "-and their money. Who ever loses will have to fork over the costs it is to play." Baekhyun flicked his eyes at the men around the table, everyone was already flushed at how she moved in Donghae's lap.

He weighed his options, could he take the girl? She was breathtaking but he couldn't be involved in human trafficking, it's his biggest no no.

"I-I can't." The girl looked at him, eyes hooded as Donghae gasped.

"Baekhyun! Please, I'd love for you to be one. If you lose you can keep your money, but if you win you get this baby girl."

"Imagine what kind of things I could do with her." Chanyeol rumbled lowly.

"What? Use her as Bait?" Kai mocked across the table. Chanyeol's eyes flicked in the light and Kai dropped his eyes instantly.

"Do it, just play one round since it might take three."

Baekhyun sighed, spilling in his chips to the table and motioning to his men to hand him the bag of money. Baekhyun more than likely has the most money, he stayed smart and branched through China and Thailand with his industry.

SeHun cashed in first. 2,000 in all ones laid out in front of him, eyes locked on Rei. He watched sweat drip down her pretty jaw, Baekhyun felt envious.

Kai doubled during his next turn, but Chanyeol ended up pulling his chips and Kai's cards failed. He was out and Baekhyun had one less opponent his next turn.

Baek knocked Kyungsoo and Sehun his next three turns, now its just him and chanyeol. Chanyeol had a good bluff that was super hard to call, he stared at his cards. He jaw was clenched and his eyes sparkled, licking his lips while he looked Rei who was now moving her body as best she could to get away from Donghae. Minseok tried to rest his hand on her cheek.

Baekhyun saw her hips move in a devious way that should not have turned him on but god she was a demon. "14,000" Chanyeol suddenly spoke, baek spoke with no hesitation "20,000" he was confident he wouldn't have to give up his money and come home with a pretty girl he wouldn't hurt. Jongdae grabbed her hand, hoping a friendly touch would calm her.

Donghae got annoyed yanked her cuffs, making her calm down but she only ended up getting upset and thrashing more. Chanyeol raised it to 21,000 as Donghae got angrier and grabbed her neck. She wouldn't stop, at the same time Baekhyun was trying to find the right match to lay down that could possibly be greater than Chanyeol.

Baekhyun watched Donghae thrash her around roughly as an order for her to stop her movement, a millisecond later Chanyeol gasped and saw Baekhyun had the winning cards.

                       he just smirked.

—„ I never loose "

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