fifteen +

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Jungkook awoke to the annoying calling of his name. Repetitively.

He groaned as he threw the blankets away from his body, immediately shivering at the cold in his room.

Jungkook sighed as he stood reluctantly from his bed and made his way to his bedroom door, attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes.


Jungkook opened to the door, abruptly cutting Taehyung off.

A bright, relieved smile crossed the older's face.

"Thank God! I didn't know if you were here or not. You didn't wake me up."

Jungkook chuckled tiredly. "Tae, who else could have taken you to your bed?"

Taehyung paused for a moment, tapping his chin before he shrugged. "Didn't think about that."

Jungkook laughed. "I could tell."

"Pinky promise me you'll wake me up next time you come home and I'm asleep?" Taehyung said with a slight pout on his lips, sticking out his pinky.

Jungkook took the older's pinky. "Yes, Tae. I pinky promise."

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