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Jungkook snorted as he heard his name being yelled. Maybe one of their neighbors would file a noise complaint. Most likely th grouchy old lady in the apartment on their right. Trying to suppress his laughter, he responded to his favorite hyung.

"Yes, Tae?"


Taehyung burst into the room, practically out of breath from running down the hallway from his room.

Jungkook let his laughs escape his mouth at his best friend's enthusiasm.

"Well, yeah, I suppose..."

"Pinky promise we'll get one soon?" Taehyung waltzed over to the younger to offer his pinky.

Jungkook reciprocated, twisting their pinkies together. "Pinky promise."

Taehyung squealed with happiness. "YAY!"

He left the room, skipping back down the hall to his room.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile. That's my best friend, he thought proudly.

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