Chapter 3

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The chapter begins in Mr. Matthews' point of view, then switches halfway through to Lillian's, so be aware of that :)


-----------Jason’s (Mr. Matthews) POV-----------

            My eyelids freely fluttered open with no disturbance what so ever. It felt good to finally sleep in after the first week I had started at the school. The small whimpers on the other side of my door caused me to chuckle as I pushed the covers off of my body and got out of bed. Making my way to my bedroom door, I opened it up and in rushed Clyde, my German Shepherd. Kneeling down on the ground, I gratefully took the kisses his tongue planted on my face, laughing as he did so. When he finally stopped, I pet his head with both hands and smiled.

            “I’m sorry for locking you out last night; I was just so tired and didn’t want to wake up too early.” I informed him, even though I knew he had no idea what I was saying.

            Clyde licked my cheek once again. “Glad you forgive me, boy.” I said and patted his head, then stood up. “Need to go outside?”

            That last word made his ears perk up as he pranced downstairs. I chuckled and followed him towards the backdoor, then opened it up and watched him run out. He spotted a squirrel and I knew he would be out there for a while just barking his head off at it, so I closed the door and headed back up the stairs to shower.

            After showering and shaving, I went back in my room and got dressed in a pair of straight legged jeans and a plain black shirt that hugged my chest nicely. Just like any other man would do, I went back to look at myself in the mirror and nodded in appreciation. Just because I was a teacher, didn’t mean I couldn’t work out and still try to look my best.

            When I was all ready, I slipped on my shoes then headed back downstairs to let Clyde in. He bounced into the house and immediately walked towards the front door. “Such a smart dog, but I’m sorry you can’t come. I’ll be back in a little bit.” I told him as I grabbed my car keys then left the house.

            Getting in my car, I drove to the nearest grocery store and headed in. I made sure to grab a cart before shopping, then found my way zigzagging through the aisles. I hadn’t gone shopping for food since I moved into my new house because I never had any time. Instead I ate fast food, which I knew wasn’t the best thing for me, but it was just too good.

            As I neared the candy aisle, I saw Lillian, one of my students. She was with an older looking woman, but not too old. They both resembled each other greatly, so I figured it was her mother. I noticed the expression on Lillian’s face, and she didn’t seem to be too happy. In fact she looked the exact opposite.

            “No, you cannot have that. Do you have any idea how many calories are in that candy bar? Not to mention it’ll make your hair oily and will damage your skin. Do you want that, Lillian?”

            I listened to her mother’s words and cocked an eyebrow. It was just a candy bar, it couldn’t hurt anyone to the extent of what her mother was implying. Maybe if someone ate fifteen candy bars then I would understand, but not just one.

            “Mom, come on. I haven’t had candy in a while, please?” I heard Lillian beg.

            “No means no. You don’t want to get fat, do you? I can’t have a fat daughter; you know I have to keep up an image!”

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