Chapter 11 (Temptation)

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Michaels POV

I parked the motorcycle outside of Meads apartment. I got off the bike and placed the keys in my pocket and made my way to her front door.  I knocked 2 times and could hear her rushing to answer the door. The door swung open and there she stood with her arms out stretched ready for an embrace.

"Michael I knew you'd come back." I walk into her apartment and she had made some changes since the day before. There was now a satanic alter on a small table against the wall near her couch and ritual books stacked on the table. She stood by the alter, watching me look around with my hands behind my back.

"Did you think about everything I said," She was now rearranging some the candles on the alter.

"It's time for the apocalypse." A huge smile spread across her face. She raised her hands above her head and yelled "Hail Satan!"

"We must perform a ritual Michael, the marking of the beast. We need a human sacrifice. A storm is coming and the night will be upon us soon." I turned to the clock on the wall and saw 4:30pm the sun would fall from the sky in 30 minutes. "I will collect a soul once the sun has set and I'll bring them here." She walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders. Looking at me as if I were her son. "I will do everything Michael don't worry."

5:00- Sunset

It had begun to rain when Ms.Mead left the house exactly at 5:00. I waited at her apartment, seated on the couch. All I could think about was Angel.  The love we made and how her chocolate brown eyes looked at me the morning after, full of admiration. Then I remembered the sobs, the fear in her eyes. I never mean't to hurt her. She was the one person in my life who didn't abandon me, she was everything to me. I wanted only to protect her as much as she wanted to protect me. We didn't have much time with each other but I knew her so well because of all the conversations we had and my gifts let me feel her everything emotion.  I wasn't the powerful one, she was. I felt a single tear slide down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. 

It had been several hours before Ms.Mead called her apartment phone, letting me know she was on the way. I hung up and looked at the clock, it was 9:00pm.  30 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and opened it for Ms.Mead, she pushed the girl into the apartment and let her fall the ground. She was unconscious, there was blood on her head from whatever object Mead used to knock her out.

"Let's get her on the table and tie her down." I lifted the small weak girl and placed her on top of the table, Mead came from the kitchen with rope and tied her arms and legs to the legs of the table.  She went  back into the bedroom and came out wearing a black cloak, she then walked up behind me and pulled a cape around my shoulders. She then went to her alter and light the candles. She started lighting every candle in the room. I was watching her with intense eyes and seeing how quickly she was moving. Hadn't she claimed to be a fragile old woman who couldn't even hold a can of beans.

Mead came from the kitchen holding a large butcher knife and a black leather book.  She began to chant was moving the knife above the woman in a slashing movement. The woman began to awaken and she noticed what was happening she began to cry and scream.

"No please!! Let me go!! I won't tell anyone I swear but please let me go," she sobbed and struggled against the ropes but Ms.Mead paid no mind and kept chanting.

"Please let me go!! Jesus...." Mead drove the butcher knife into the woman's heart ending her prayer for saving.  She drove her hand into the woman's chest ripping out her heart. Mead approached me, handing me the heart. I took the heart from her hands and held it with one hand.

"Eat the heart Michael, and you will be marked to fulfill your destiny."  I brought the heart closer to my mouth and that's when I sensed her.

My Angel.


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