"Did you try change your number?"

"I did, but they get it from the school's WhatsApp groups I am on."

"I can pull a few strings with people who owe me some favors"

"No that won't be necessary Ryan. They're silly girls who would eventually get bored if I continue ignoring them. But thank you for offering, this program is one of the reasons I get to feel in charge and secure."

He looked at me with a sincere  look. "I'm glad you feel that way, remember when you need help asking for help doesn't make you less braver than you are."

"Thank you, Ryan,. I'll remember that."


I couldn't believe how fast time was flying. Some of us wrote our last test today, and the remainder had a few tests left. I wrote Maths and I was sure I would pass it this time, Nicholas tutored me, and the boy was so good at Maths. He spent a lot of time at my house with our sessions and even met my parents, who seemed quite fond of him. He stayed for dinner a few times and even got Steven interested in studying more, he would play video games with him if he finished his homework and studied. I got to learn so much about him, like the fact that he was artistic and his favorite symbol was the infinity symbol. I had to say the boy grew on me more than I could've ever anticipated, I looked forward to his tutoring sessions and having him near me.

Timmy convinced Nicholas to throw a party the weekend to celebrate our high school year almost being over. Our entire group would of course be there, so I was looking forward to it . When I asked my parents if I could go and told them it was Nicholas's party, I was shocked at how easily the 'yes of course it would be good for you' answer came from them.

It was the day before the party, mom needed groceries and I volunteered to go, I was a licensed driver now and could drive legally anywhere. The centre was busy with it being the end of the month, I had to park underground far away from the elevator but at least I could get some exercise in. Mom's list was tiring, now I remember why dad didn't want to go shopping with her or even volunteer to go.

I pushed the trolley from the elevator and unloaded the groceries into my car's trunk. I kept feeling someone was watching me but brushed it off as being paranoid. When I closed the trunk and turned around my tormentors were all there, standing around me so that I couldn't go anywhere. I noticed the scary guy from the last encounter with me and Steven, when he told me I was like a wild horse needing to be broken.

"What do you want now?" I said, for the first time I was not afraid, taking all those classes would pay off now.

Chase put his arm around Jessica. "What do we want pig face? We want you off the face of the earth!"

"Well, the chances of that happening is a big fat zero!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are taking to, you stupid cunt!" Chase looked angry.

"To an asshole who can't seem to leave me alone, and the messed-up thing is that I am not even in your way."

"You fucking pig the fact that you are breathing the same air as me, makes it a problem!" he turned to the scary guy. "Let's teach her a lesson, shall we?"

Here we go I thought to myself, the scary guy gave his friends a nod. They were three guys and headed over to me. Before one of them could take me by my hair, I punched him. The other two also came at me, but I stood strong and fought. I finished them off by hitting them were it hurt the most, their nuts. I looked over to Chase, Jessica and the others with them with a victorious smile on my face, Jessica looked shocked. Chase gave the scary guy a look and he pulled out a gun, pointing it in my direction.

Okay now fighting people I could do, but guns were a game changer. I put my hands up and Chase walked over to me, he grabbed me by my hair. Knowing I wouldn't try anything with a gun being pointed at me.

"Not so tough now, are we?" He pulled my ponytail harder and swung be to the floor, I fell down and looked up at him. He kicked me in the ribs and the guys that I beat earlier held me down, one had his hand over my mouth. Fear came over me when they started undressing me, when I was only in my underwear Chase stopped them.

"This can go one of two ways Shelby. Either you can agree to my terms, or I will let these hungry men have their way with you and force you to agree. And I would like to inform you that the second option involves not only you, but all those around you."

"What is your term?" I said in a hoarse voice.

He walked over to me again, crouching in front of me. I looked to Jessica who was standing next to him, she had a satisfied look on her face. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "It's actually simple, you have to leave town and fucking fast!"

"Chase, how will I do that? Where would I go? I have two years of school left and..."

He slapped me. "Did you hear me say this was a negotiation? No bitch this is my terms! Do you understand?"

"I need time Chase, please just give me until the end of the year."

He slapped me again, but before he could speak Jessica spoke. "Honey, it's December next month. Give her until then, I am sure she has to put the only two braincells she has left to work in coming up with a plan."

"Okay my queen," he let go of my hair, then spoke to me. "You have until the last day of December to leave, or I will divert to option two and you will be sorry. Whatever excuses you concur up make sure to leave our names out of it. And one more thing, if I hear you've been getting very close with that fuck boy Pines. End it, don't let me find out you still talk to him after you've left."

"Whatever you want." I said in a sarcastic tone.

He flicked my nose roughly. "Don't test me, I will let Butch here shoot the fucker in his head. Do you understand bitch?"

"I understand you yes!" I yelled at him.

He kicked me in my ribs again and they left. I got up and put my clothes on, I got into my car as fast as I could. I stopped at a Petrol station, just to tie my hair neatly and check if I didn't have any visible bruises before I could go home.

Steven helped me unload the groceries. I shoved the memories of the incident along with the terms I had to adhere to into the back of my mind for now. Dad barbequed steak and I helped mom make salads. We ate outside and it felt so good being a real family. Mom and dad made silly jokes and we talked about all sorts of things, I'd miss this so much.

Later I was in my room, sitting at my desk trying to come up with ideas or plans on how I would even leave town. Asking mom if we could move again would be out of the question, she had a stable job with benefits. Dad was promoted to workshop manager, Steven loved school. And not to mention this place was not just a dwelling, it was home to all of us. I decided to runaway would be best; the plan was solid. I didn't want to run away, but my family's lives and the lives of all the people I cared for was more important than what I wanted. Gloria, mom's sister also my godmother lived in another province. I knew I could ask her anything and she would help.

I phoned her and told her the story from beginning to end, we talked for almost three hours. She wasn't keen on the running away part and said I should ask mom if I could visit first and we could figure the rest out when I arrived, she would buy me a bus ticket after Christmas.

I made a list of things to do before then, like packing only things I didn't want to leave behind. Spending quality time with my family and friends, making sure Steven knew I would always be there for him. And the last thing on the list hurt more than I thought it would.

*Say goodbye to Nicholas.

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