Sougo you just made a embarrassing war...

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Reality: okay everyone, who's on?

Time lord: When was this even created?

PhoenixFeather: U don't want to know how this chat was even made.

golden rabbit: Sougo I'm going to murder u.

Reality: Wat did sougo do?

Golden rabbit: Well, hold up let me upload it so u can know wat's going on.

[Golden rabbit uploaded 'a scientists and a fighter love']

- five minute after reading the story-

Reality: Goodness!

Reality: Sougo!? Why?!

Gamerdoc: Wait, i'm not the only one to get pranked like this?

Evolution: God, I never thought someone would do such thing!

Prophecy reader: my lord, I never knew you could do this!

Guy with issue: WTH!

Guy with issue: I have never thought you would do something evil!

Reality: @Phoenixfeather?

Reality: I think he's broken...

White dragon: Sougo...

White dragon: Is that how you see me and sento as?

Time Lord: Maybe...

Reality: Sougo.

Time lord: yes, I kinda see you two as a thing.

Pink destroyer: Wow, do you guys want to do revenge?

Time Lord: Wait, WHAT?!

Time lord: Minna, can we please be reasonable? Hehe...

Everyone: Nope.

Guy with issue: wow, everyone is going to betray zi-o like this?

Prophecy Reader: Uhh, I don't think we can save him this time geiz.

Guy with issue: He did, after all he dug his hole way too deep.

Time lord: R you guys betraying me?

Guy with issue: I just don't think we can save u.

Prophecy reader: Im sorry lord, but like wat geiz said, even if we try it won't work.

-line break-

Meanwhile in real life...

Sougo was in a corner of his room crying to himself after what he read the fanfiction that someone sent to him...

The camera than move onto what the phone shows what the fanfiction says...

(warning if you don't want to read this than just skip this than, unless you like this shipping)

Sougo was walking down the hall towards his room until he was suddenly push tot he wall by something. What he saw was geiz face inches away from his.

sougo face was slowly turning into a heated red as he got more and more nervous with geiz face being in front of his.

"G-geiz, what a-are you d-doing!" sougo asked very nervously as his face got more and more redder.

Geiz didn't answer so instead he did something else. Geiz kissed a very surprised sougo as he slowly got into the kiss.

As the two kissed each other, the two slowly move into sougo room and then the bed. As they got onto the bed, geiz forcefully took off sougo shirt and did the same to his own shirt.

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