Chapter 4: Settling down....

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After my statment at the road sign, we moved forward. We kept moving until the moon was just above the horizon.  Our group woke at dawn.  We had a small breakfast and began walking after our meal.  My mind raced with excitement or maybe just the soda I drank.  Still it excited me to be so close to home. "So what will this town look like?"  Leticia asked this at the same time as Britne did.  To which they both laughed.  

I shrugged, because I honestly didn't know what the town look like, but also I didn't know if it would even be there.  All I had was hope that the town would still be there.  "So is there anything nice about this town?"  Britne asked without Leticia.  I responded.  "The town is a little congested together around railroad tracks.   Though it should be a nice little place for us to call home." Still we moved forward towards my newly declared home.  At about dusk, we could see the town only a few miles away from us.  We camped inside the Arvest bank outside of the town.  We kinda just sat around the flashlight standing upright in the center of our circle eating cold fries.  

At night, Kay-uhn came to me yet again.  His hand touched my shoulder, and he began to speak.  "Your home is so close to you now, child.  Corey, you and your illegitimate family will lead with great skill in this town.  You, my child are different.  Your mind is broken, yet so structured.  You will be a great asset to the people of this town.  Soon a child will come into this world unto one of your illegtimatee family member."  I was shocked by his statement.  "It is true, child.  A child will be born unto this world by your family."

Even though Kay-uhn's tale wasn't I fell asleep.  My excitement wore me out, and Kay-uhn's soft voice didn't help out.  I was the first to wake up in the morning.  After eating very little food to conserve the rest, I went outside.  I took a seat on the dented metal bench.  The wind blew softly through my hair, and I took a moment to just breathe.

The scenery was brownish yellow dust and a few cars strewn about at various places.  It looked like a wasteland, but it was peaceful to me. So I just took the moment to myself.  After a moment, I opened my eyes to the sound of the door opening.  Mathew walked outside and just sat next to me, unmoving as if he was in a trance.  For a moment we were quiet, and just sat there.  Then Mathew decided to speak.

"  Corey, can I admit something to you?"  I looked at him with a nod, and he continued.  "Corey, I feel like something is eating at me in the back of my mind.  Like something is trying to talk to me, and I can't tell what it is.  Is this what insanity feels like?"

I sat there for a moment, and I debated his question in my head.  Then again I'm glad he came to me about it.  I'm actually a person who understands having thoughts that are not your own in your head.  Hearing that voice that gets under your skin.  I know what it's like to be called insane.  Then I spoke to him.

"  Mathew, the simple fact is that you're insane.  I mean come on and think about it.  The end of the world happens ,and what do you do?  You begin to travel the world with your friends.  Not knowing if you have enough supplies to get you through the time we've spent together.  Think about this, most of the time we've spent traveling, we didn't know where we were going.  So yes, you're fucking batshit insane, and you sure as hell better embrace that fact."

Mathew smiled and looked past me.  I knew that he was thinking about something deep.  I would love to hear his thoughts.  But then again, he is granted privacy in is mind by the world that created him.  Then he spoke to me.

" So that's going to be our new home?  It seems a little rustic to me, but what am I saying,  after all this everywhere looks like a deserted wasteland.  I just think there may be an issue to making laws with our group."  I looked at Mathew as if he was crazy.  Just as I gave him that look, Leticia, Lexi, and Britne came outside.  They sat around Mathew and I, and just stayed there without much to say.  Nobody spoke whatsoever, and I was just fine with that.  Though after a few more moments, Taylor, Jo, Micheal, Autumn, Gabi, and Blake woke up. Then we set off for our new home.

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