chapter 7

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When a child becomes a nuisance.  They must be punished. I am your guardian ,and you will listen to me.  You shall not rebel against Sevira andKay-uhn.  Your guardians love you ,but you are making this difficult for him to continue to stay on the sidelines.  Kay-uhn's figure stood taller than me. I hated the pain gave me. I felt like in immature child so I turned around and looked into the mirror.  Kay-uhn put his hand on my shoulder. Kay-uhn still loves you.  It is merely my frustration that is embodying my spirit.  Kay-uhn has never had a child reach there potential and be so rebellious. I didn't want to hear kind words. I was just angry and sad the pain on my face didn't stop.  It just began to turn into a bruise Kay-uhn dematerialized behind me.  The blood on my cheek had dried.  I wanted to cry, but I had a voice in my head saying don't do it so I held it in.  The pain was terrible. I went outside and sat on the porch swing. Leticia noticed my bruise.  She didn't say a word though, I think that she thought that I didn't want to talk at all.  So I lost myself in the book.

Though my mind wanted to replay the event no matter how hard I shoved it out of my mind.  The next day, I decided to visit Gabi and Lexi I just wanted to see how the plants were doing.  Lexi greeted me.  Of course, she had the bruise on my face.   She didn't ask about it though, but I could tell that she wanted to still Lexi allowed me into her home.  They tried to make the place nicer with surviving knick knacks. I do admit it gave the home a warm feeling.  The kitchen had been scrubbed clean ,all the glasses arranged in a nice manner.  Then I threw open the door to the backyard. I was in pure amazement the crops where already halfway grown.  

Tiny sprouts of grass begin to grow, and I was amazed Lexi looked at me with a large grin on her face. Then she spoke to me. "I discovered, I can whisper the plant into growing.  The grass started sprouting today .  Also I can control the small grass." Lexi walked over to a small cluster of grass ,and she waved her hand in the air. The grass doubled in size, other sprouts pushed out of the ground.  I'm still amazed by her power. I will admit that I was a little jealous of that power. If Lexi has a power that means everyone else should also.  I wondered, what their powers are.  Still, I noticed on Lexi plants that they sprout food.  After that observation, I left Lexi and Gabi's home the neighborhood was quiet.

 Michael sat on the first step to the front porch.  I went over and sat next to him.  You see it has been awhile since we have a tender moment.  Michael  didn't say a single word.  He sat there unmoving the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I was pretty sure Michael was angry at something.  The Sun above shined brightly it was beautiful and there was a gentle breeze.  The cool air brushed past so lightly it felt like someone was trying to hug me.  I wondered what was wrong with my lover.  It was clear to me something had happened.  I hugged Michael.  He didn't say a word to me.  So I just sat there holding him.  This was actually pretty nice ,then he shifted his shoulders. Maybe, Michael wanted to speak to me maybe he just couldn't find the words to say it.  Nothing really happened until later that evening Autumn, Mathew, Jo, and Taylor where at my house for dinner. 

 I was going to make pasta, well just pasta in a little bit of sauce. I didn't know what the brand or type of the sauce, it was red I know that though. My guests sat in the small dining area their plates are set and ready for the food.  I moved away from the stove the food was still cooking ,my telekinesis took over during for me. My four guests sat at the table. Talking among themselves for a moment then they went quiet. They all stared at me. I was a little creeped out by this so I snapped at them. "Oh my god," take a picture it will last a whole lot longer.  When autumn pointed behind me, I of course looked at the self stirring pot then it stopped and the Soul Fire engulfed entire pot. The pot then floated pass me, and set itself in the center of the table.  Everyone's eyes were huge, trying to understand what happened.  Then I realized what they are shocked about, my telekinesis is still new to our group.  So I gave a small smile to guests.  Then I began to explain myself to them.  "I recently discovered that I have telekinetic abilities.  And I have been practicing with it, whenever I have the time or want to do so.  It's not only you guys who knows about this.  Leticia and Britne know also about my abilities."  Everyone was still a little shocked by the flying flaming pasta.  then again it is a pretty shocking aspect to witness.  So i just kind of took my seat at the end of the table, I began to eat the meal i had prepared.  Soon the others at the table began to follow my action.  The meal was actually pretty nice.

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