A yawn escapes my lip signaling my exhausted body that I need to sleep. My back and legs ache a lot from the stress of doing different jobs in a day.

Waking up by four in the morning before preparing breakfast and lunch with doing house chores after that I would leave the house by six before anyone would wake up.

I do little jobs like babysitting, cleaning which can be difficult at times in my situation but I learned to cope because of the money.

Then in the afternoon, I go over to the restaurant for my shift before leaving towards the shop for my evening shift then returning home by 10 pm.

So you can come to terms with me that I have been going through a lot of responsibility and also disregarding the doctor's advice.

Picking up my bag from the table I made my way towards my room to relax my muscles.

I can't believe this was Jacket still on me with feeling all sweaty, discarding the clothes in the laundry basket before changing into my comfortable pajamas.

Mum Elaina took me shopping for maternity clothes since most of my clothes are too small for my growing belly.

I welcome the softness of my bed with a sigh before placing my hands on my belly drifting into dreamland


My day is planned out which begins with me having both morning and afternoon shifts in the restaurant and an evening shift as usual in the shop.

Fridays are always the busiest day in the restaurant but bringing more pay makes me love today so much " Shiloh over here" I heard my name being called.

I walk towards the voice " take this to table 13" she orders briskly. You could say not everyone is a fan of my presence here since they all think I have this job because Shane likes me more, well he likes me but as a sister nothing more, but he doesn't know of my true identity that if I can still call it that.

However, I have only two months before dropping all my works to relax waiting for my baby which I can't wait too long for.

I always wanted my first baby to be a boy but no matter what I have my love will be equal.

Snapping myself from a daydreaming I smile warmly before taking the order to the assigned table which is occupied by a man in a business suit with a newspaper blocking my view from seeing his face.

This must be a business meeting we tend to have that a lot here" here is your order sir, I hope you enjoy" I say placing it on the table with my welcoming smile in place.

Before I could leave him to his meal a hand took hold of my wrist making me stop in confusion before being replaced with shock "Shiloh?" he asks in surprise.

I stood in shock noticing these familiar features sitting right in front of me " brother-in-law" I say grinning widely.

I can't believe he is here staring right at me looking just the same, it's been so long" in flesh. So what have you been up to?" He asks curiously.

I took a seat across from him" as you can see I am growing big and also working to raise some money" I shrug pointing towards my belly.

"Yeah Sylvia told me what went on, and not to forget yesterday was Chance's engagement party with Samantha Atlas," he says with a frown.

"It must be all over the papers," I say nonchalantly before changing the subject" so how are my favorite nephew and my sister doing ?"

" Edwards is great, he keeps asking after you and Sylvia she misses her little sister," he says eloquently.

"Okay, I leave you to your meal while I continue my shift," I say before leaving ending the conversation.

Before he left the restaurant after his business meeting he promised not to tell my family he saw me and he even gave me some money.

I am currently in the shop placing the new product on its assigned shelf " Hey" hand taps on my shoulders almost giving me a heart attack.

I turn towards the person who brought upon himself to always bring my heart into overdrive not in a good way " do you always acquaint yourself this way?" I ask with raised eyebrows at no other person but William the guy I met in the Park the other day.

"It gives a lasting notion to the heart," he says grinning widely.

"Such, it's does" I roll my eyes at him before going back to my work trying to ignore his presence behind me.

" since we meet again could we have a friendly dinner just friends eating out on a weekend?" he questions his face becoming flush.

"I would love to, " I say with a smile.

"Thanks, it's just a friendly dinner because you seem to be a nice person," he says warmly.

He left after getting a few things like I said before we could be good friends.

I hope you like this chapter and please comment on your thought, I would really like to know your thought.

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