Man, You're Really Short

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"Do you think she's okay?I mean she just passed out ,but she seemed fine in the car."I hear Tessa's voice say."Maybe she was car sick.It's a long drive from town." a feminine voice answers.I start moving around to indicate I'm awake."Look she's waking up." I open my eyes then slam them shut quickly.The light is blinding in the room."Holland, dear, how do you feel?" the same voice asks."I have a killer head ache and I'm extremely tired." "Can you open your eyes for us?" Tessa's familiar voice asks me."No, I'm just .so .tired."Then there's blackness.


Where am I??? Okay, Holland don't start panicking.What do you last remember?Wait a minute, are you seriously talking to yourself?Crap I did it again.Okay ,getting back to what's important here.Where am I? The last thing I remember is standing outside that huge house.Then, nothing."I guess there's only one way to find out ,"I tell myself while getting out of the bed.Looking around the room I see the gigantic bed I was in ,a closet, and even a chandelier.I walk through a door beside the closet and enter a huge bathroom.I do my business and even take a shower.I walk out of the bathroom over to the closet.Just out of curiosity ,I open it and I find that someone has put all of my clothes in it.Weird, I think to myself but continue to get dressed anyway.When I'm fully clothed and ready I walk out of another door that leads out to a hallway.I turn to the right and start walking forward.That's really the best plan I have right now.I'm just going to walk around to see if I can find anyone.I turn a corner and it's like I did a complete circle.I'm back to the same place I was before.I try again and again but I end up in the exact spot.I sit down in the middle of the hall and wait.That's my new plan: to sit here and wait for someone to find me. "I take it your lost?" a deep voice asks

in amusement.I look up and when I say look up I mean I have to strain my head back just to get a look at the guy's face. "I guess you could say that if you want," I tell him nonchalantly. He laughs and extends his hand,"I'm Spencer and you must be Holland." He pulls me off the ground when I take his hand. "How do you know my name?" "Uh, Tessa told me." "Oh. Wait how do you know Tessa!"I exclaim. "Okay, just calm down and I'll take you to Tessa , alright."He says while he puts his arm around my shoulders.When I jerk it off he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder."Put me down!!! I'm scared of heights!"I exclaim while hitting his back while he laughs.He turns another corner then we're in a kitchen ,where apparently everyone is. He puts me down while saying,"Look who I found sitting in the hall." Then he turns to look at me and says,"And why are you scared of heights?" "Do you see how short I am?"he nods so I keep going."God made short people short for a reason.We like being close to the ground." I tell him in all seriousness. I grab his collar and pull his head down to my height."When you see this everyday it kind of freaks you out when your 2 feet taller."Spencer looks at me and nods ,"Man, you're really short."Then everyone bursts out laughing.I look around the room and see a bunch a people I don't know and Tessa ,but there's one guy that stands out.He's gorgeous.Right at that moment he turns to look at me ,still laughing, making me blush.When all of them compose themselves, I ask,"Where am I?"Tessa looks at me and says,"You don't remember?" "The last thing I remember is standing in front of your friends house. " "Holland, were in her house now ,but back to what really matters.You passed out ,remember?" Then it all comes back to me. Me sparring with blond girl, that guy talking-that guy was Spencer.In my dream we were talking to Spencer ,but I didn't even know who he was.And that gorgeous guy was there, too. I look around the room for blond girl and don't see her.That makes me feel better I'm not completely crazy."Holland, honey are you okay?"a tall woman asks from beside Tessa.She looked to be in her 40s,has hazel eyes,and brown hair with a hint of gray.I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts and reply,"I'm fine ,but who are you?The only people I know in here are Spencer and Tessa." "Oh, I'm sorry dear.I'm Rachel."the woman ,Rachel, answers with a smile.I smile back at her while a man that looks like Rachel and close to her age ,maybe a little bit older says," I'm Jerry ,Rachel's older brother." Then gorgeous guy follows by saying,"I'm Jerry's and Rachel's nephew, plus Spencer's brother, Luke."He doesn't really look like Spencer.The only looks they have in common are their builds.Spencer has brown hair ,while Luke has blond.Spencer has green eyes and Luke has blue.I smile and say,"Nice to meet everybody."


Author's Notes

Yay, I'm so happy that y'all actually read ch.2. The first chapter is kinda depressing so I didn't know if anyone would continue to read.I was hoping I livened it up more in this chapter.I assure you it will get better.Hopefully ;-).


Finding HollandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang