Little Details

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Taehyung woke up and rolled over to find the other side of the bed cold. He had been sharing a bed with Yoongi for a little over a month now and he was still not used to his band mate's erratic sleeping schedule. 

It was still dark outside. Taehyung clenched his eyes shut as he anticipated the bright light from his phone when he pressed the power button. It was 3:02AM.

He wasn't surprised that Yoongi wasn't beside him, but it didn't stop an unsatisfied sigh escape from his lips. Taehyung had trouble sleeping without having an object or another person to cuddle. Yoongi had suggested a body pillow, but it wasn't the same. There was no comfort or warmth to a pillow.

Taehyung could just get up and walk down the hall to Yoongi's studio, but he decided to send a feeler text out instead.

"You should come to bed. It's late and we have practice tomorrow." He sent.

With a soft sigh and a light stretch, Taehyung placed his phone back on the nightstand and rolled to his right, facing the empty side of the bed. He stretched his hand out in front of him and ran it over the cool sheets. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he thought he might be developing feelings for the older member. Feelings that went beyond friendship.

These feelings began creeping into his subconscious when they began sharing the room together. Because of the close proximity the room afforded them, he began to notice little things about Yoongi that had slipped past him before. The things he noticed were little details, like the way Yoongi's eyes shone brightly whenever someone would ask him about music, or the way his teeth seemed a little too small for his large grins, or the small moles on his back when he would pull his shirt off to change...

Taehyung twitched which jerked him back awake. He had begun to doze off thinking of Yoongi.


Taehyung rolled back over and picked up his phone. It was now 3:56AM and there was no response to his text message.

Now he was annoyed. He didn't want to be, but he felt a hot flush of rejection rise in his chest. It was enough to get him to rise out of bed, slip on a robe and some slippers, and make the walk down the hall to Yoongi's studio.

He stood outside of the studio door for a moment with his hand resting on the doorknob. He was trying to calm himself down from the initial burst of emotion that coursed through him. While going in emotional might make him feel better in the moment, he took a mental step back to consider what he was going to say upon entering.

"Come to bed now."

Too forceful.

"Why aren't you in bed yet?"

A stupid question since he was obviously working in his studio. He could hear a faint rhythmic sound coming from the other side of the door, meaning Yoongi was working on some kind of music.

"I miss you..."

Too needy.

Taehyung clenched his eyes shut, placing his thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose near the tear ducts, and pressed inwards a little. He was tired. He was uncomfortable. He had too many intrusive emotions that he shouldn't be having.

Just tell him.

The thought was unexpected, but it removed any annoyance left in his system. He didn't know what he would say, but he couldn't stay standing outside the studio office forever. Lowering his hand, he grasped the door handle again and turned the knob, not knowing what to expect or what to say.

The studio was only lit by the soft glow from Yoongi's computer. Yoongi was sitting at his desk with headphones on. He wouldn't have heard Taehyung open the door and enter the room. Taehyung entered the room cautiously, not wanting to startle Yoongi. However, something was off about the way he was positioned in the chair. Puzzled, Taehyung approached Yoongi's side.

Upon seeing Yoongi, Taehyung chuckled a little and then bit his lower lip as he studied him.

Yoongi had his legs pulled up to his chest, feet on the chair. His chair was bent back slightly, giving him the appearance that he was sitting upright. The bulk of his headphones, the position of his elbows on the desk, and some unknown power kept him from completely slumping over to the right. Yoongi's lips were parted slightly and the noise Taehyung mistook as music was Yoongi's rhythmic breathing.

Yoongi was asleep.

Taehyung inched a little closer to the sleeping Yoongi. He began to feel his heart pound a little harder in his chest.

Taehyung had seen Yoongi sleep many times, but he was struck with how small he looked curled up and asleep in his studio chair. He noticed the way Yoongi's legs moved slightly with the rhythm of his breathing. He noticed the prominent blue veins in Yoongi's hands which lay relaxed on the desk. He noticed the delicate flutter of his eyelashes as his eyes moved beneath his eyelids, seeing nothing but dreams.

Taehyung raked his upper teeth across his bottom lip and looked back at Yoongi's hands. They looked sculpted from marble in the soft glow from the computer screen's light. Taehyung was reminded of the statue of David by Michelangelo. He reached out and tenderly traced one of Yoongi's veins all the way from the back of his hand and up his arm until it disappeared into the crook of his elbow.

Upon Taehyung's finger reaching the elbow, Yoongi stirred and fluttered his eyes half way open.

Taehyung froze, his pounding heart had leapt into his throat. Yoongi closed his right eye to allow his left eye to focus better and adjust to the room's light.

"Taehyung?" he asked, voice thick with sleep.

Taehyung removed his finger from Yoongi's elbow and gave the forearm a couple of quick gentle pats. "Why don't you come to bed? You fell asleep in your studio chair. It doesn't look too comfortable." Taehyung responded softly.

Yoongi mumbled and lowered his feet to get up. Taehyung deftly removed the headphones Yoongi was wearing before he could walk off with them still attached to his head. Taehyung watched as Yoongi walked ahead out into the hallway. When Taehyung exited the studio, he was stopped in the middle of the hallway with his hand stretched out behind him.

Taehyung took a sharp breath in as he realized Yoongi was waiting for him to hold his hand. He walked up and grasped the older's hand and together they walked back to bed.

Back in the bedroom, Yoongi immediately flopped down into the bed and nestled himself into the covers. Taehyung slid into the other side of the bed and faced Yoongi. Yoongi's eyes were already closed and he was beginning to breathe heavier. Taehyung inched closer and tentatively wrapped an arm around Yoongi's waist.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to bed sooner. I know you were waiting up for me." Yoongi mumbled.

Taehyung felt his face flush. "It's okay. I know you are working hard."

"Thanks..." Yoongi muttered. Eyes still closed, he turned on his side to face Taehyung and wrapped an arm around him.

Taehyung's had a final thought before he drifted off into slumber, wrapped in Yoongi's warm embrace.

Tomorrow... I'll talk to him tomorrow...   

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