Chapter 8

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 Eren POV

I went to the garage and took off the large dirty cloth over my birthday gift. This birthday gift is something I bought my self and got it built over the years after I got in college. Thanks to Hanji and Erwin I can finally use it. This gift was my motorcycle I call MT. 

I got on and started it up, I was loaded up and ready to go. My bag was full with everything I need. 

Then I was off.

I drove through the night, and when I made it close to the house I parked my bike in the woods and ran the rest of the way. I put on my hood and mask and ran towards the Jaeger mansion. I stayed with the shadows and planted bombs all over the out areas of the Mansion. 

I planted some to the roof, the side of the walls. Phase 1 is complete.

I click the 1st button on my device, making the front gate explode. Killing the many guards and send more on my way, I stayed hidden and made my way inside. Took out 2 guns, as I saw a large group of men with white suits panicking. They all notice me and take out their guns. I give them a loving smile confusing them all and shoot them in the legs. One by one they fall down and start to scream in agony. I groan, "As much as I want to kill you, I can't just yet." I start to knock them out using tasers. 

I continue my walk and more men come my way I continue to knock some out, shoot there legs or just kill them if they're annoying. I kept one alive, "Where Levi?" He spits in my face, "I'm not telling you shit!" I start to pull his ear, "Tell me or I'll rip out your ears and deed them to you." He chuckled, "Fuck you~" I focus my strength on my right hand and tear his ear off and hold the other as he screams, "Where. Is. My. Mate." He starts to cry like a little bitch.     

"Ask G-Grisha, he's behind the big red doors! He knows!" I give him a warm smile, "Thank you. I would love to keep you alive, but you're too weak." I rip his other ear of making him scream again and shove them in his mouth. He continues to cry, I shoot his arms and leave him to lay in pain. Now I was angrier than before. Any man that came my way I killed them. I finally made it to the big red double doors.

I see my father sitting in his chair, "So you're the little boy who foolishly stepped in my territory. Did you come here for your little mate son?" He snapped his fingers and a spotlight shined on Levi, he looked beat up but he was smiling the whole time. He snapped his fingers again, "Big guy, kill him." A giant man came from the shadows and smirked at me." I dropped my guns and glared at my father. "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!" He tried to punch me, I kept my eyes on my father and jumped up to the giant's chest punching it with ease. He starts to laugh but then stops as a hole appears and a pool of blood stains the floor.

I walk towards my father. The closer I got the harder he started to sweat. He pulled out a box with a blue button, "Any wrong move and the wings of freedom will go bye bye.

 I got on one knee, "Allow me to join you father~" He smirked, I quickly pull out a gun and shoot between his legs, he began to scream. "I then aim the gun at his head, "Goodnight." 


I walked over to Levi, he stood up with ease and the ropes slid off his wrist, ankles, and body. I give him a loving kiss, "Everything is going as planned~" He smirked and nodded. I walked over my father's dead body and pick up the box with the blue button. I walked back over to Levi and his phone begins rings. I look over to see 'Shitty Glasses glow on the screen he answers it, "IT"S DONE LEVI! EVERYTHING HAS BEEN REWIRED! EVERYTHING! AND WE'VE COLLECTED ALL OF THE VALUABLE SOLDIERS EREN LEFT BEHIND AND MIKASA AND ERWIN TOOK DOWN SOME STRONG ONES TOO, 3 TO BE EXACT!" 

He starts to groan, I giggle a bit and took the phone. "Thanks Hanji we're leaving now, the mission is a success! Bye~" I hung up the phone and we made our way out of the large door passing the dead bodies. Levi took notice of a crying man with no ears with shot up legs and arms. He chuckled, "Remind me not to get you mad~" I giggled a bit and kissed his cheek.

I texted Hanji if she could get someone to get my metal baby MT. Levi and I took one of the cars from the garage and we were on our way home. I took an out the black box and my bomb detonation box. I click the yellow one on the side of my bomb detonation box. The use to be Titan main base exploded and we rode off. I gave the black box to Levi, "Would you like to do the honors~" He smirked at and took the box, "I thought you'd never ask" He clicked the blue button. 

From where we are nothing happened, but once I turned on my IPad Levi and I got a full view on all of the Titan bases being bombed and destroyed.

Now its time for fun time with my Alpha~

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