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Wednesday morning. Valentines day. The day that Harry had to confess his feelings and kiss Simon.

Did he dread it? Absolutely. Was he going to turn down the dare and ruin his reputation? Absolutely not. 

So there he was, standing outside a science class and waited for Freezy to give him a nod to signify that he had his end of the plan sorted.

Freezy was easy to spot in a crowd considering his height. He also had recently shaved his head meaning he looked like a thumb among a sea of hair. Harry looked up to see the tall boy peering out from around a corner, looking for him. Once they made eye contact, Freezy began to nod furiously and Harry began to make his way down the hallway.

Right. Left. Left. First door on the left. Head office. Harry stood outside and gulped. His breath was shaky but he opened the door and headed towards the desk where a slim blonde woman sat.

"How may I help you?"

Harry scratched the back of his neck and held up a piece of paper, part of the plan him and Freezy had concocted.

"Can I run this through to daily announcements boy? It's from Sir." Harry answered, putting the piece of paper away before the woman could notice there was nothing on it.

"Sure but be quick, first period starts soon."

Harry nodded and pointed to a door. The woman shook her head and pointed down a corridor.

"Third door, It's glass so you should be able to see him."

Harry nodded and headed down, quickly spotting the door. He waited outside for a few seconds and waited for the bell to go. Now that it was officially first period, it could be done.

He slowly opened the door as he watched Simon turn the mic on and adjust his papers. The boy looked up at the sudden noise and furrowed his brow, clearly confused at the appearance of Harry in his office.

"Harry you can't be here-"

Harry waved his hands in a criss cross fashion in front of him, trying to shut Simon up before the teachers heard.

"I know. Dumb dare, just let me do it." He broke eye contact then looked back, his voice as soft as his gaze.

"I cant let you make an announcement. I'd lose my job" Simon motioned to himself.

"No, no, Its to do with you.

Harry took a few steps closer towards Simon, bringing the door to a full close behind him.

"Can't we do this at break?"

"No," Harry cut in before taking a shaky breath. "Part of the dare was for it to happen first period."

Simon stood up and took a small breath, defeated, and nodded slowly.

"Fine, what is it?"

Harry broke eye contact again, looking downwards this time. This was it. This was the dare. He had gotten this far, why was he so nervous? This was just like every other dare he had done. Just do it Harry. Just say the words, do the dare and get out of there.

"I like you Simon."

The words came out like bullets and a dead silence fell over the room.

"No." Simon let out a confused half gasp and began to shake his head.

"I do Simon, I really do."

"No," Simon repeated, the silence filling the air again as Harry awkward half-smiled. "Who put you up to this?"

"Why does it matter, Simon?" Harry shook his head in confusion and began to put his arm on Simon's shoulder but wasn't able to as the taller boy jolted away.

"I knew this would fucking happen." Simon turned away and ran his fingers through his hair before beginning to crack his knuckles again.

"What would happen?" Harry's word were coated in confusion at the boys sudden change in character.

"Don't act dumb. I know exactly what went down." Simon scowled, turning around to look back at the other boy in the room, a look of malice coating his eyes. "Oh you should go pretend to have a crush on the loser kid who's blatantly liked you for ages! That would be hilarious Harry you should do it!" He put on a mocking tone, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"Simon thats not-"

"It is! Its exactly what it is. I'm not dumb Harry."

"Do you want me to prove it to you?" 

"Prove that you're an asshole? Go ahea-" 

Simon was shut up by the feeling of lips against his.

As he broke away, he seemed to see a new side to the shorter boy. A softer, sweeter side.

Harry shrugged and looked away. "There. That was the dare. Kiss the person you liked first period on valentines day."

He slowly nodded awkwardly and did a lil wave.

"Well uh, I guess I'll head back to science now, see you around Simon." He turned to see Freezy staring back into the room.

Freezy opened the door. "Well lovebirds, sorry to interject but uhh..." Freezy paused and motioned to the desk.

Simon looked at what he was pointing to and muttered a soft 'Fuck.'

Harry whipped around "What, what is it?"

Simon pointed at the microphone, where a green light was flashing. "The mic's on." 

"Entire school heard the whole thing." Freezy crossed his arms. "Plans failed now with Sir, he knows you aren't actually stuck in traffic."

Harry sighed "Shit. Thats detention for me." 

Simon looked up at him "Hey, I'll probably get it too."

Harry laughed awkwardly and looked between Simon and Freezy a few times.

"Well I'll see you at detention then, Si. Happy valentines day."

Simon nodded and sat down as the two boys made their way out of the office to be confronted by the woman at the desk.

"Detention. Both of you. Same with Simon Minter. You three should be ashamed of yourselves."

Harry shrugged and smirked "If you knew me Miss, you'd know I have barely any shame in my body." 

He turned and left before the woman had a chance to speak again. Freezy quickly trailed after him like a dog.

"So uh-" 

Harry looked up at the boy and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I like Simon. The whole school knows now. Guess that was one way of coming out."

Freezy closed his mouth and nodded. "Wanna just skip science? Lets go hide out at the bleachers."

"Fuck it. Im down. We both have detention anyway.'

And as the daily announcements rang across the school, anyone listened could hear Simon's flustered voice stutter out the words 'Happy valentines everyone"

a.n// hehe ! sorry for taking so long :)) might do an epilogue at detention but idk !! all depends on the feedback i get

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