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Harry's morning was similar to Simon's in the sense that he woke up in someone else's house. The only difference was he woke up on the floor, obviously too drunk to even make it into the bed. He sat up, his vision still slightly blurry and his head pounding. 

"Glad to see you're up, Bog." A voice came from behind him. Freezy's.

"Do you remember much of last night? It was fucking wild." Freezy placed down a plate with some plain toast on it. Harry lifts the plate towards himself and takes a bite. For some reason Freezy was really fucking good at making toast.

"Uhh, no. Not much." That was a half-lie. He had remembered most of what had happened up until Simon leaving. "Catch me up?"

"Okay so, no one saw you for a good chunk of the night." Harry bit his lip. That was most likely when he was with Simon. "Then when you came downstairs, you did about 5 shots, one right after the other. We all started fucking around and daring you to do shit like every party. You ended up making out with 5 different people" 

Harry laughed a little, that sounded like something he would do. "What made it wild though?"

"Oh! Right. Basically, someone dared you to do a backflip into Josh's pool and you did. However you didn't come back up for ages. Everyone thought you had drowned. Cal jumped in and saved you bro. We took you home after that" 

"Fuck. Gotta text him about that." 

"Probably should. Im gonna go shower if thats alright." Freezy smiled before heading out the door, pulling off his shirt as he did so.

Harry sighed and grabbed his phone off of the desk in Freezy's room, sending a quick apology to Cal for putting him through his drunk shenanigans for the millionth time, however as he was scrolling through his contacts to send a message to Josh, his eyes stopped on a new name.

Simon Minter.

He had forgotten grabbing his number off of JJ last night in order to apologise in the morning. He shot a text through as well before placing down his phone and finishing off his toast. Freezy was back shortly after (He had a talent of taking very quick showers) and Harry made the decision to shower himself. He took a significantly longer time, letting the hot water cascade over him. 

He left, feeling significantly cleaner and went back into Freezy's room, where the taller boy was laying on his bed, probably scrolling through twitter.

"Anything else happened last night?" Harry shook his hair using his hand, getting rid 

"Oh yeah, you were dared to kiss your crush during first period on Valentines day."

"What?" Harry curled into himself a little. For some reason, he felt vulnerable in that moment. "I didn't say yes did I?"

"Of course you said yes, you're Harry." Freezy made a motion with one hang, vaguely gesturing towards the other boy. His eyes were still firmly on his phone.

"No, no, I cant do this one"

"Why?" Freezy dropped his phone onto his chest and looked over at Harry, letting his attention be taken up fully by the conversation.

"First period is science. Sir would kill me."

"Just show up late. Ill defend you if you'd like."  Freezy shrugged and sat up, his phone sliding down his chest as gravity got to it. 


"Bog. You've got a rep. You can't suddenly turn down a dare as tame as this"

Harry sighed. He was right. It was just a simple dare. All he had to do was kiss Simon during first period. That was simple right? Just. Kiss. Simon. 

His thinking was interrupted by a buzz from his phone resting on the desk. He went over and noticed two notifications on his phone. The first must have come through when he was showering.

Callum Lux

Hey, no worries. You would do the same for me.

Simon Minter

hey dont worry about it! like i said last night, its all good

 A small smile crossed Harry's face at the reassurance. Even though deep down he still felt super guilty, as least he was slightly more okay with the situation. The smile was obvious enough to be noticed by the other male in the room.

"So is pretty girl texting you?" Harry spluttered at the comment, not realising that his smile was noticeable.

"Oh, she is! C'mon, show me her." Freezy did a weird half crawl, half walk towards Harry who was quickly putting away his phone.


Freezy frowned and began to pout dramatically. After a few seconds he realised Harry wasn't going to budge and fell backwards so he was sitting on his knees.

"Eh, whatever, you're gonna be kissing her anyways"

"Yeah, suppose you're right."

Harry shrugged and pulled out his phone again, a small sigh escaping his lips. How could he get away from this dare?

a/n - hey !!! so im hoping that if i get on top of my game that ill be able to finish this by valentines which would be perfect w/ the plotline and everything :))

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