Baekhyun: Be mine

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It was usual Friday day in School, where the students are excited because of the weekend and wishes the weekend would last but longer than it normal did. M/n looks over his locker as he grab his books as he slowly stares at the beautiful male that capture every girls and every guys' attention or their hearts, he roam the hallway like he own the school which he did along with his eight fellow friends of his. They called themselves:  Exo, they are all playboys and the campus heartthrob in this school, even though I don't know how girls think of them but it waste of my time trying to figuring them or to know them anyways,  the amount of independent school work and homework some students actually do work which my friend: Huang Kunio and I do our work or probably sent other nerds to do their works, or just too lazy to do some work have to do at home has significantly increased, his eyes caught of the beauty male as he shot him a wink which M/n just rolls his eyes, 

"Hello, M/n." A voice says as M/n look over his shoulder and see him leading to his right shoulder against the locker. Byun Baekhyun, that guy who kept chasing him even though he was popular boy along with his friends, he can choose everyone out of this school, but he choose M/n to chase him after. M/n wanted to know why, 

Baekhyun's Pov

I pouted, when I saw him rolling his eyes and face into his locker while grabbing his books for his morning classes and along the classes he have. Kim M/n the tall nerd male who likes being alone, reads books in the library,  I find myself attracted to the tall male whom I find him cute and adorable. I wanted him more than I do before, somehow he capture my heart and caught my attention a lot of times. I walk over to him as I lead against the locker while supporting my weight. 

"Hello, M/n." I says with a smile that melts everyone's heart. I'm kind of guy that capture attention or would stole other boy's girlfriends and even the girl's boyfriends but I usual play  with their hearts or their feelings and leaving them, I know that sound so mean but I cant help it. My friends are does the way thing but different, Kyungsoo, and I does it while Suho, Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol just flirt with girls and easily fool them to go on a bed with them which they sleep with all of the girls in this school, Xiumin and Chen been dating girls and broke them up after a month,  we used our flirting ways to get girls along with our famous smiles that make girls' heart. Kyungsoo stop being a heartthrob as he finds him attracted to M/n's friend: Huang Kunio, we are trying to do everything to get their attention, but none of that actually work but only get the other students' attention, we try flirting even but it didn't work. M/n does show it that he is interest in me sometimes as he flirts with me but some other times, he doesn't that causing me confused that if he is interest in me or not? 

M/n didn't say anything but slam his locker close and walks away, leaving me watching in awe but I chase after him, I walk into his side while trying to start a conversation but it only end up into short conversation. I see Kunio getting pinned by Kai against the locker as they both look at each other, in which I didn't know that I was getting pinned into the wall harshly as my wrist got cut by something sharp object, he looks over me and started to kiss me roughly where I try to push him away from me but he was stronger than me, I got scared because of it until I hear like someone hits on the floor and when I open my eyes and see M/n look at the boy who pin me against the wall and look at me again, M/n look over at my wrist that is bleeding, he grab me by the hand and lead me into the hospital as the school nurse see my bleeding wrist and check on it. 

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I swear if he hurt you, I will make him paid," My friends said as they were all over me. But I didn't see M/n  anywhere that causing me frown.  I guess he is in his classes already. I see Kyungsoo and Suho was there along with Sehun, Chen, Xiumin and Chanyeol but Kai wasn't there not even M/n. I look over at Kyungsoo who just worried at me but I could see it that he is hurt about Kai and Kunio. I thought Kai is dating with Jennie from BlackPink the most beautiful woman in the campus along with Sehun who is dating Irene from Red Velvet and Chen is dating Bomi from Apink,  there is three members who are dating while for the others aren't, but for me and Kyungsoo is trying to date the boys who stole our hearts. I wont give up either with Kyungsoo, because M/n is mines. 

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