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After being arrested my the mysterious vigilante, Oswald Cobblepot was sent into the interrogation room, to be questioned by the police. Oswald, sat there cuffed to a table, while smoking a cigarette, with police detective, Crispus Allen standing against the wall. "Ah.....well if it isn't detective Allen, you'll pay for what you did!", Oswald shouted and then Crispus responded, "you broke out of prison, to go back?". "Piss off!", Oswald shouted at him and then Crispus asked him, "how did you get caught?". Oswald laughed and told him, "would ya Adam and Eve it, it was a man dressed up like a Bat". Crispus, then left the room and found Jim waiting outside, "I'm starting to think that this Bat-Man, might actually exist", he told him. Jim responded, "nonsene, you believe these people?. They're insane", Crispus then added, "what about those two officers at the crime scene, the other night, and earlier on". Jim then shook his head and told him, "we're sending him to Arkham. Until Blackgate is secure, we're sending a lot of inmates there".

Moments later, Oswald had been marched outside by police officers, and members of the S.W.A.T. team, to a transport van. Meanwhile, Batman watched down on them, from a nearby rooftop and then heard a scream. He looked, and then followed the sound to a nearby alley way, he then found a woman being mugged, by a man who wore a black leather jacket, dark blue denim pants, a pair of white sneakers and a zombie mask covering his face. Batman dropped down, he kicked the gun out of his hand, he then punched him in the chest, then in the right side of his face, causing him to smash into a solid brick wall. The thug then crawled on the floor, then Batman, turned around and told the woman "LEAVE, YOU'RE SAFE NOW". The woman screamed, and ran away and Batman responded, "YOU'RE WELCOME....", he then taken off the man's mask and punched his head, to make him unconscious. He then said, "ALFRED, I'M COMING BACK TO THE CAVE", Alfred then responded, through his comms, "oh, I'll just prepare dinner then". Batman then pulled out his grapple gun, and grappled up onto a building.

Shortly, after Bruce had returned home and had gone to bed, a mysterious figure entered the Wayne mansion, through a large window, which opened up onto a balcony. The figure, wore a black, skin tight, leather suit, revealing only below her eyes, which were covered by red lenses. She had pointy, small, black ears on top of her head, and had sharp, metallic claws on her finger tips. She slowly, crept through the corridors of the mansion, hiding behind the many walls of the building. She then reached, the pearls, in which Martha Wayne wore the night that she had died, which was in glass cabinet, beneath a family portrait of the Wayne's. She placed her claws against the glass, and moved them around in a circle, clockwise, which opened up the cabinet. She then, reached for the pearls and then held them in her hands. After she had held onto the pearls, she looked at her self in a mirror, and placed them around her neck.

"I'm afraid, I can't let you have those", she heard. She then turned around, and saw Bruce standing there, wearing a black, turtle neck sweater, black suit pants, with a leather belt, and a pair of black laced shoes. "Bruce Wayne........I heard that you had returned", she said and then Bruce responded, "hand over the pearls". She laughed, and then replied by saying, "how come and get them", she then ran at a fast pace, through the mansion, with Bruce chasing her, she then jumped off of the staircase, she swung from a chandelier onto the ground, with the pearls being held by her teeth, and then she ran towards the window and had leaped off of the edge. Bruce, rushed to the edge, and there was no sign of her, or the pearls. He then, walked to to a nearby Shakespeare head statue, he lifted up the head and pushed a button, which opened up a nearby bookcase.

Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse, there was a man who had been tied to a chair, with a black sack covering his head. He saw nothing but pure darkness, and wore a black t-shirt, dark blue denim pants and a pair of work boots. Suddenly, he heard a man's voice, "well....well.....well, if it isn't the guy who broke out Cobblepot ", he said. The sack, then got ripped from his head, and he saw a man, wearing a pair of shiny black laced shoes, a white suit, with a black shirt, a white tie, with a pair of black gloves covering his hand. He looked up to his face, and saw that he had a scar on his right eye, and had neat, black gelled hair, which was combed to the left side of his head. "Who are you, what is this?", the man tied to the chair responded, as he saw many other mysterious people, who wore all sorts of masks, and then the man in the white suit  replied, "me?. I'm Roman Sionis, what the fuck do you mean, who am I?". Roman, then asked him "so, I heard that Cobblepot has weapon stashes across the gonna tell me where they are?", the man then answered, "I only helped him out of prison, I swear.....", Roman then cut him off by saying to one of his men, who wore a pair of slip on black shoes, black pants, a white shirt, with rolled up sleeves, with a black apron covering it up, a red bow-tie and a pink, plastic pig mask covering his face, "Lazlo, pull his pants down.........oh, and cut his fucking dick off", as he walked away from the man. Lazlo, who wore the pig mask, slowly walked towards him, putting on a yellow pare of latex, disposable gloves, he picked up a steak knife and told him, "this, will be fun", in a posh British accent.

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