New Power In The North

Start from the beginning

"Renly is not the king." Robb disagreed with his suggestion.

"You cannot mean to hold to Joffrey, my lord." The Lord spoke back especially after the news they had gotten. "He put your father to death."

"That doesn't make Renly king. He's Robert's youngest brother. If Bran can't be Lord of Winterfell before me, Renly can't be king before Stannis." Robb reminded them of the line of succession they had always gone by.

"Do you mean to declare us for Stannis?" They replied appalled at the notion.

"Renly is not right!" Another cry called out disapproving the Stannis alliance.

"My Lords. My Lords." Greatjon called attention to himself. "Here's what I say to these two kings." He announced before spitting on the ground.

Rounds of laughter erupted at his action. These were two people declaring themselves kings over the north when they had no knowledge of the lands. They had never stepped foot in the north before this war had emerged.

"Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither. Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the South? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their gods are wrong! Why shouldn't we rule over ourselves again?" He pointed out to them all about their kingdom they had before the Targaryens had conquered. It had been simpler for them to rule when they bent the knee to the Starks. "It was the dragons we bowed to and now the dragons are dead!"

He pulled his sword from its sheath. He turned it to Robb who had rose from his seat. His knee bent once he began to speak.

"There sits the only king I mean to bend my knee to, the King in the North!"

Theon followed after the Lord's actions and unsheathed his sword and bent his knee. He looked to Robb, "Am I your brother, now and always?"

Having been a ward under the Starks for years, the two were bounded to develop some sort of bond, just like Jaidyn and Robb. They were all family.

"Now and always." Robb confirmed.

"My sword is yours, in victory and defeat, from this day until my last day." Theon pledged his alliance.

The rest of the Lords followed suit pulling their swords and pledging their houses. The chants began to rise into the air.

"The King in the North! The King in the North!"

Robb tried to steady his breathing but how could he? His status had been risen and more weight had poured onto his shoulders. Within a night of his father's execution, he had been named King.

His thoughts drifted to Jaidyn as he made his way to his tent. How would she take the news, after all their marriage would name her Queen. He knew she didn't care for her duties as a lady as it pulled her from training but did them for the sake of his family during their crisis. Now she would have more added responsibilities. He knew that her duties as a lady have proven that she was capable to holding a high status.

He began to write a letter before summoning a raven. By morning, the whispers would go round and she would be informed of her newly status soon.

《 Winterfell 》

Maester Luwin had began his seach for Jaidyn after receiving the note from Robb. He had checked her chambers as well as Rickon's but turned up empty. He was making his way to Bran's thinking of the young boy and how he had put up a strong front when told of his father's death.

He entered the room and saw the two still in the bed. Bran's head in the crook of Jaidyn's neck as she held him closely. They had fallen asleep after the weight of the day hit them.

Carefully, he shook them awake gaining Jaidyn's attention. Both were still groggy but knew that they would have to get on with their day.

"Your Grace, a raven from Robb." Maester Luwin addressed holding the scroll in his hands.

Jaidyn had not caught onto the address but Bran had. His eyebrows furrowed at the formal address to Jaidyn. She was a lady of Winterfell, not a Queen.

Her hands carefully unrolled the paper. Her eyes scanned it before scanning it again. She could not believe what she was reading. How could this be possible?

My Jaidyn,

I was unsure whether you have heard or not but I thought it best you hear from me. In the wake of my father's death the Lords have named me King of the North. This war we fight now is not only for our family but for the North.

I wish nothing more than for you to be with me but I know that your presence is needed in Winterfell. We will continue to march South for the girls and I pray to the Gods that I return to you soon.

Robb Stark, King in the North.

Jaidyn's eyes snapped up to Maester Luwin who nodded slightly to confirm. The talk had begun and the people would know of her title.

Queen. The title felt off to her. She knew that one day she would become a lady because of her noble blood but to become Queen was something other. Her whole life had just shifted overnight. How could she rule over a kingdom when all she wanted to do was fight?

Once she was alone she grabbed a cloak and began to stroll in the market. Her eyes scanned the people there. She envied them a little. They were able to live normal lives with no burden to look over an entire kingdom while her husband invaded the South.

Among the crowd she spotted a familiar cloak. The person looked in her direction before heading down an alley. She followed quickly after wondering what news he might've brought from across the sea.

"Your Grace." He addressed with a bow of his head once they were alone.

With a shake of her head she spoke to him. "Don't call me that. The title seems too foreign. What news have you brought me?"

"Circumstances have changed. Your father has been put in a rather off position and until their chances are improved he is reluctant to write." He informed as best as he could. The Targaryen girl's husband was badly injured and with his strength dwindling then the khalessar will likely move on. Jorah would need find another way to get back to Westeros to help his daughter.

"So what will you do?" Jaidyn wondered seeing as his purpose was to communicate for them both. But if there were no messages being transferred then what use was he?

"I can prove my use among Westeros." He explained to her. He had the ability to blend into his surroundings and pick up information that was whispered in the shadows. "That is if you'll allow me to serve you, your grace."

Jaidyn let out a sigh at the title once more but he had a point. With someone on the outside, they might be able to come across some information that could help Robb and his advances. This could contribute to their efforts. With a nod to confirm his duty she turned to make her way back to the castle.

She would have to make due with her title and tend to duties as she had always done. The war for the throne had begun. May the Gods favor their cause.

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