"You're still weak, you will always be we-"

Come on, come on. Be strong... Come on you can do this!!!"

The tears stopped.

Alfred growled again, even darker, "No." He said.

The President was quiet.

"Don't you ever make contact with me or my family or ever talk about them that way again!!"

The president was still quiet. He just... he just sounded so threatening.

He suddenly threw his phone at a wall across from him and his siblings.

And it smashed into pieces.

Alfred panted and panted, he let his angry tears fall. And just put his head in his hands and shook.

"Maska?" Maria put a hand on her brother's  shoulder and rubbed it. 

Canada softly smiled, he was proud. His brother had pushed him away, he had pushed the President, he knew it was him, away.

Diego rubbed Alfred's back and the American looked up at his siblings.

He wasn't weak, he wasn't, he was getting stronger and stronger everyday... yeah his family was here behind him and he was getting stronger because of them. Yeah.... he wasn't weak, he couldn't have been.

And to prove it.. he was going to do something he hadn't been allowed to..

He was free damnit, he had his freedom of choice back.

"C-can we go outside-" He cleared his throat, "I want to go outside."

His siblings all nodded and got up to get their shoes.


They walked down the hallway in a comfortable silence. 

Alfred's eyes were red but he wasn't crying anymore.

He refused too, he wouldn't let the Pres win anymore.

"Guys!!" They turned and saw Peru and Chile and walking towards them. "Where are you going?" Peru asked.

"Just going to hang outside," Maria said.

Her cousins nodded at her but once they looked at Alfred, they looked highly concerned. 

Canada gave them an 'I'll tell you later' look."

They nodded and decided to let their cousins have some sibling time together. They would meet up with them later.

"You guys up for going out to eat tonight?" Chile asked, still looking at Alfred. 

They all nodded, "Yeah," Alfred finally spoke, he slightly smiled, he really wanted to be around his family right now.

The older cousins talked to their relatives a little more before letting them go and heading down a hallway.

"We haven't seen Alfred all day," They heard a voice say, "We can't leave without him."

Another voice started to speak, "I say we leave him, Donson, I'm assuming, was badly hurt by his savage family. And we still have no idea where he is."

It was the two remaining agents.

Peru and Chile looked at each other and smirked.

They both cracked their knuckles.

And walked towards the agents.

Looks like South America's been beating a lot of bitches lately..

Unraveling Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon