28 || All Is Fair

Start from the beginning

I idly doodled on a notepad while Edward worked on something. The markings were nothing special — messy curls, hearts, stars, and happy faces — enough to keep me occupied as I waited for Edward. We were headed to Pinkey's tonight.

"Reese, could you please eat less of that? We don't have time for you to get cavities," Edward advised from his spot on the bed with somewhat of a fatherly tone, scribbling something inside his notebook.

A mischievous smile played on my lips as I carelessly chomped down my chocolate bar. "Riddle me this, sir: Who do you love, has the prettiest face and doesn't really give two shits?" Edward paused, directing a narrowed gaze at me. I grinned innocently and raised my hands triumphantly, " Ding, ding, ding! Me. The answer is me."

He snorted, unimpressed, "Know what? Fine." A shrug followed, making me giggle as his diva side flared up. "Mess up your teeth. It's not like I care."

"Thank you." I muttered sarcastically, resuming the doodling before biting my snack, "Yum." I mocked my brother, smirking to myself. My delight was destroyed by a giant fluffy pillow to the face. The sudden impact caused me to drop everything I was holding. "No." I tossed the pillow off and frantically searched but found no trace of my food.

"Looking for this."

My head snapped up to see Edward holding my snack from its shiny wrapper; lips pursed as if holding laughter. "Edward." I glared, not truly angry but annoyed that my food was in someone else's hands.

"Reese." He mimicked my tone and placed the treat on the table. "This isn't good for you. You had one this morning."

"I have done so much worse, and this is what you reprimand me on?" I remarked with crossed arms. His smile never left; in fact, it amplified. I grabbed my notepad and ripped a page from it as he looked away. It was crumpled into a ball and tossed at his forehead, making him flinch. "You suck."

He laughed quietly, "Aw, Ree, are you upset I'm protecting you from losing your teeth?"

"Honestly? Yes."

"You're not getting cavities on my watch." He joked before pointing between his eyes and me as if challenging. I groaned but decided not to do anything, hoping he wouldn't throw it away. "Those hurt so bad." Edward could be like any other older brother — annoying and impossible to get rid of. He could go on like this all day.

Ed kneeled beside a green duffle bag, opening it. Inside was the crowbar he had taken from our precious wrongdoing. Suddenly, a loud knock came, triggering panic as we wondered who it could be. He motioned me to my room, placing a finger over his lips. I quickly interpreted the message and tiptoed to my bedroom, fingers shaking with anxiety. I waited for something to alert me to run. I listened for every noise, hearing the door slide, and waited for a cop-like, loud voice.

Nothing like that came.

Instead, I heard my brother laugh mirthfully. "Ree, come out! Look who's here!"

My eyebrows furrowed, and I cautiously emerged, only to be met with a familiar face. Penguin stood there, covered in feathers from head to toe. I gasped, my eyes becoming big. "Ozzie?" I grinned, bouncing on my toes.

The short man beamed brightly, "Reese? Oh my goodness, it's so good to see you! I've missed having you both around." Ed and I exchanged grins. We also missed him. It was nice to see him again, looking better. When we first met, I considered him the most annoying and demanding person in the universe, but you get used to his attitude and miss it when it's gone. "How have you been, old friends? Well, I hope."

"Well, even better now that you're here again." I gushed, making him grin, his fair skin tinting a bright shade of pink.

He laughed, embarrassed, waving me off, "Oh, Reese, you're so sweet." He glanced at my brother, asking with his eyes how he had been.

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