"Minna! Genki? (How are y'all doing?)" Satomi asked them.

"We are all fine Nee-san! But there is one person who is not at all fine." Sho-kun said. He calls me Nii-san so he insisted to call Satomi Nee-san.

"Eh? Who?" she asked.

"Anata no daisuki Satoshi!(Your loving Satoshi)" he said and everyone started laughing as I frowned.

"He can't wait now Satomi-san." MatsuJun teased me.

"He is like forcing each and every day to just end fast so your wedding ceremony comes soon." Now it was Nino. This brat never leaves a chance of teasing me.

And they all started laughing again. I just frowned. But looking at Satomi laughing with everyone I felt that after marriage it will be fun everyday leaving with these 4 idiots and the woman I love.

Well, it was Satomi who confessed to me. And I replied without even wasting a second. She said that she loved me since years. I was a fool not to realize her feelings. I was busy in Arashi stuffs and other things. But now that we are getting married, I will never let her feel lonely even if I am busy. I smiled looking at the 5 most important people of my life.

The bell rang again and this time Sho-kun went to open the door. My parents and Satomi's parents came. We all greeted them and then sat in the living room to discuss about the wedding ceremony.

"I'll prepare tea for eveyone." Satomi said as she got up from the chair.

"Satomi-san, you should be here in the discussion. I and Aiba-kun will bring tea and some snacks." MatsuJun said and he and Aiba-kun went in the kitchen. We were discussing some plans and places for holding the ceremony.

"Riida, I think it is better to held it in a church." Nino suggested.

"I think the same." Satomi agreed.

"Well, honestly I thought the same. I want to have a calm and a little bit private ceremony. We can hold the dinner and reception ceremony to invite the others in the night, right?" I suggested.

"It's fine by us. You kids think what you want to do. We will support you. Ne?" my dad said and her parents also agreed to it.

The bell rang again.

"Who is there now?" I said.

"Ah! I will see." Satomi got up and went to open the door.

Sakura's POV-

Today, I along with Takuya and Shachou will be going to the idol's house. They want to discuss some designs with us. Shachou recommended bringing us, the designers to their house today. Shachou didn't tell us the name yet. He said it is a surprise. Sometimes, he behaves really different than a Shachou.

We all drove in Shachou's car. He stopped the car in front of a beautiful house. It was so big. Almost like a mansion. It seemed really huge. We got out and went to the gate. There was a guard who asked us our IDs and after checking them he let us in. The house is new. It doesn't have a security system like any other big house.

Shachou rang the bell. I and Takuya waited behind him. We both were really nervous. Just then a beautiful young woman opened the door.

"Hai?" she asked.

"We are from Haruda Fashion. I'm Haruda Reiji, President to Haruda Fashion and they are my designers." Shachou said.

"Ah! Chotto matte! I think my fiancé called you. I will call him." She said and went back inside.

"Satoshi, Did you call the designers?" we could hear her voice.

"Ah, hai! Wait." Her fiancé replied. I have heard his voice before, but where? I was thinking about where I may have heard him.

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