Dear Innocent Souls - January 14th, 2019

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Oh god it feels weird to write/type 2019, I'm so used to writing or saying 2018.

But anyways. I've finally gathered up the courage to work on a project I started sometime in 2018. It's called "Dear Innocent Souls" and I got it from a book called "Plot Shop", definitely something you should check out if you're thinking of writing something. are some of the notes I wrote for this, and I plan to edit them and maybe add more to it:

Dear Innocent Souls
-A boy leaves small love letters in people's lockers at school
-Boy is blond with grey-blue eyes
-Name is probably Samuel or something of the sort
-People that he gives love letters to include preppy and pretty student council student, a band nerd boy, and (include third person)
-He is too socially awkward to talk to people, and only hangs out with Josiah, an outgoing class officer
-Samuel stays after school with Josiah and places the love letters in their lockers
-Signs the letters "S" at the bottom of his letters

So yeah, this is what I have so far. I definitely plan to edit it through and add some more stuff as I come along to it. But for now, I'm definitely gonna try and begin writing for it. I'm hoping to maybe publish the first chapter sometime in February or March, or even before then! Who knows? But other than that, I don't really have any other projects going on right now, at least not here on Wattpad. I'm slowly coming back to Wattpad, so hopefully I can find some more stuff to do on here to get me much more engaged in it.

Other than that, I'll see you around Wattpad.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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