Exhaustion - January 20, 2018

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I just want to say that I've been so freaking tired, I don't even realise it anymore until I get home. It's like all day I'm fine, maybe a yawn during 5th and 6th period, but otherwise I'm chilling. Then, as soon as I get home from whatever evening practice I have, I feel a whole tired wash come over me. It's like a wave that I can't escape. I try to get enough sleep, but then my grades start slipping. If I do all my work, then I never get enough sleep.

I'm also starting to be up a lot later and waking up a lot sooner. My weekends are booked until maybe March, which absolutely sucks ass. I have competitions as of right now, tomorrow, I have to get up early every day next week (with hopefully the exception of Thursday), then I have to do a whole weekend of coding, which is fun but exhaustion. Then it's back to waking up early every day until the summer.

I cannot wait until the summertime. That means my birthday is coming up and that it will be my last year in school.

~Not making any sense but oh well, LadyPolka

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