Spring Cleaning - February 28, 2018

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So, in the spirit of spring and because I'm low key a neat freak, I want to go through my Wattpad profile and clean a whole bunch of things. I'm most likely gonna start with my stories, and delete/unpublish things I haven't continued in a while. If I like where the story is going and wanna continue, then I will. Otherwise I'll delete it. Then, I'll go through my library and clean a lot of things out so it looks a little neater. Then if I'm feeling it, I'll go through my reading list and organize things a little better. So, that's what I plan to do so you people know if any stories are suddenly gone.

In other news, Problems gets updated this Sunday, so be on the lookout. And also! My play is this week, so if I suddenly disappear and reappear, that's why. And also, I seem to be doing poorly in my classes, so that means I have to spend a lot more on homework rather than Wattpad and YouTube. So, sorry about that, heh heh.

Umm...that's it I think. So, uh, see you around I guess~


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