Merry Chrima. - December 25th, 2018

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I literally just sat down to write this after coming home from a Christmas party, so sorry to those of you that can't make sense of what I'm writing. Chances are I'll get around to editing it to make more sense sometime this week, so there's that.


If you see this hopefully on the 25th of December, then Merry Christmas or happy holidays to those of you that celebrate. If you see this past that date, then happy belated holidays because I got lazy/ran out of motivation and didn't finish this. But, I hope what you did today was fun and hope you got to celebrate it the way I'm sure you would want to celebrate it, either by yourself or with friends and/or family or even loved ones.

This week sometime, I'll be making a second post for you to read, and it will mostly talk about plans and things I want to do going into 2019. I may talk one way, but as this is my last year of required schooling, there is a lot I have to attend to first before I can even necessarily think about writing. But, hopefully that won't completely stop me from doing the things I'm going to talk about, so there's that.

That's...pretty much what I wanted to make a whole post about. I just wanted to wish every a happy holidays and maybe come up with some things I want to do/talk about for 2019, so maybe you'll have something fun/interesting/worthwhile to look forward to. That's pretty much the entire reason for this post.

With all happiness and all that jazz,

~LadyPolka(will now be known as Moscow)

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