Chapter 27

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Translator: Nuexin

In the end, Zhou Xiang was simply too sleepy and stayed the night at a hotel. Even though that house was clearly his home, it was like he had been kicked out.

    He only woke up at noon the next day due to hunger. After he woke up, he sat and dazed out on the unfamiliar hotel bed for half a day. As he recalled what happened yesterday, his head ached more and more.

    He refreshed himself and then checked out of the room. It was currently the most bustling time of the day. The sunlight pierced his eyes when he came out of the hotel. The weather was so good, but his mood was gloomy and heavy.

    He sat in his car for a long time and then decided to go home.

    He couldn't not go home forever. Running away would not solve anything.

    He was a bit regretful that he had a fight with Yan Mingxiu yesterday. He was well aware of Yan Mingxiu's temper, yet he still bothered arguing with him. However, he really couldn't hold back yesterday, and Yan Mingxiu's later words made him lose control of himself.

    He hadn’t been so angry and sad for a long time.

    But after calming down and having a think about it, he still didn't want things to end between him and Yan Mingxiu just like this. He had already invested a lot in this relationship. How could he retreat so easily? Even if Yan Mingxiu didn't like him, he couldn't stop himself from liking Yan Mingxiu.

    That was why he decided to go home. If Yan Mingxiu was at home, then he will calmly have a proper talk with him. There were probably also misunderstandings between them. Things might be okay if they talked it out.

    Thus, he quickly drove back home. To his disappointment, Yan Mingxiu wasn’t at home.

    As soon as he entered the house, he saw that iPhone which had been thrown to the ground. He walked over and picked it up. The screen was cracked, but the phone was clearly still on. However, the screen was too fuzzy, so the messages on the screen were almost illegible. However, he could make out there were a lot of missed calls.

    Zhou Xiang charged up his own phone, wanting to give Lan Xirong a call. However, just as he was about to dial the number, he remembered that he had Lan Xirong's phone. He truly didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

    How could he just take someone else's phone back home? Lan Xirong was such a busy person. He would definitely have lots of phone calls and important matters. Who knew how many matters had been delayed because of him.

    Zhou Xiang rang Cai Wei without delay. After calling many numbers, he finally found Lan Xirong's assistant's number. He rang, and sure enough, Lan Xirong was with his assistant.

    "Hello? Xiang'ge?" Lan Xirong's voice carried a hint of happy surprise.

    "Xirong, I'm sorry, your phone is with me."


    "When I sent you home yesterday, your phone fell onto the ground. We have the same model so I thought that it was mine and took it back home. In the end, I even accidentally dropped and broke it.

    Lan Xirong let out a breath of relief. "Oh, as long as it isn't lost. The phone doesn’t matter, what's important are the phone numbers and messages inside. It would have been a real problem if someone else had picked it up."

    "I'm truly sorry. The alcohol muddled up my head yesterday. Where are you? I'll buy you a new phone right now and send it over."

    "It’s fine, Xiang'ge. I’ll be free in a moment, I'll go to your house to pick it up... Or you can just tell me where to pick it up. You don't need to buy me a new one. My fans sent me a lot of phones, I'll never be able to use it all."

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