Chapter 2

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Needlekit glanced towards the Lowbranch. Miststar was balancing on the branch, claws dug in. I wonder what's all this about, Needlekit thought. She bounded towards her leader, her littermates at her tail.

"Cats of IvyClan," Miststar began, "Today at dawn, Branchheart's patrol had found MoorClan cats trespassing on our pine forest territory."


"How dare those mange-pelted, bat-blind, fox-hearted, bird-brained cats trespass?"

"We need to teach them a lesson!"

Abrupt howls of protest rose from the warriors.

"Silence!" Miststar yowled. "Branchheart and his patrol did do something, they gave the news back to us. They didn't fight; they were outnumbered. But now, we will invade their camp. The warrior code matters, and we need to teach those MoorClan cats to follow it."


"What they deserve!"

"When will we invade?"

Miststar flicked her tail to silence the warriors. "Tonight, we attack. The fighting cats will be Saplingwhisker, Finchleap, Branchheart, Mosswhisker, Whiskerflip, Patchyfur, Leopardfang, Foxfur, and the apprentices."

Swallowpaw and Eaglepaw exchanged excited glances. They were only made apprentices a moon ago, and were going to fight their first battle. Needlekit felt envy pricking her paws.

"Uh, Miststar...may I fight, too?" Hangingbranch, Needlekit's mother, stepped forward. "I know I'm a queen, but...I need to defend my kits. May I please participate in the battle?"

Saplingwhisker glanced at his mate, his eyes flooded with worry. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and waited for Miststar's reply.

"Uh...if you feel like you need to protect your kits..." Miststar's voice strained with worry. "Then, uh...okay."

"Thank you." Hangingbranch retreated back into the crowd of warriors. My mother's going into battle! Needlekit thought. I can't wait to hear what she says!

ok this ones kinda short ;-;

IvyClan--Warriors Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now